Testing out OpenSMTP on a test system appropriately call test
I am have a problem testing a message submitting from external system
(the sys is on the same lan)

The tested  smtpd.conf 

listen on all
table aliases                file:/etc/mail/aliases
accept from any for domain test.thinkage.ca alias <aliases> deliver to mbox

using that smtpd.conf on the system test

test:/var/spool/smtpd # echo hi there  |sendmail -v p...@test.thinkage.ca
echo hi there  |sendmail -v p...@test.thinkage.ca
<<< 220 test.thinkage.ca ESMTP OpenSMTPD
>>> EHLO localhost
<<< 250-test.thinkage.ca Hello localhost [local], pleased to meet you
<<< 250-8BITMIME
<<< 250-SIZE 36700160
<<< 250 HELP
>>> MAIL FROM:<p...@test.thinkage.ca>  
<<< 250 2.0.0: Ok
>>> RCPT TO:<p...@test.thinkage.ca> 
<<< 250 2.1.5 Destination address valid: Recipient ok
>>> DATA
<<< 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
>>> .
<<< 250 2.0.0: c8300cf0 Message accepted for delivery
>>> QUIT
<<< 221 2.0.0: Bye

which works fine but

using telnet (from a windows 10 system) I get the following

telnet test.thinkage.ca 25
220 test.thinkage.ca ESMTP OpenSMTPD
EHLO whoops.thinkage.ca
250-test.thinkage.ca Hello whoops.thinkage.ca [], pleased to meet 
250-SIZE 36700160
250 HELP
MAIL FROM:<p...@thinkage.ca>
250 2.0.0: Ok
RCPT TO:<p...@test.thinkage.ca>
250 2.1.5 Destination address valid: Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
test data
550 5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused: Message is not RFC 2822 

I realize that I am doing something stupid but what is it?

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