> Am 18.05.2016 um 23:01 schrieb Chris Watson <ch...@open-systems.net>:
> Chris Watson, Open Systems
> ch...@open-systems.net
> CEO, Owner
> 316-558-0440
> PGP Fingerprint: BE67 ED60 6BB0 6B1E 2EB8  95D0 4A35 6B4D F529 1D0D
> PGP Key ID: F5291D0D
>> On May 18, 2016, at 2:14 PM, Joerg Jung <m...@umaxx.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 01:48:11PM -0500, Chris Watson wrote:
>>> So I’ve been brought up on Sendmail, then later Postfix. Yesterday I 
>>> decided to try moving from Postfix to OpenSMTPD. The main reason was 
>>> because with Postfix for a remote user you have to install and configure a 
>>> bunch of other things to auth before SMTP posting. So when I read OpenSMTPD 
>>> supported that internally I jumped. That and I had heard it was much 
>>> simpler and easier to maintain.
>>> So a couple of issues have hit me in the face like a sledge hammer. First 
>>> let me describe my setup:
>>> I have a virtual host @ rootbsd.net <http://rootbsd.net/>. It hosts my 
>>> business website. All web and email goes there.
>>> I use a MBP at home to connect to the RootBSD VPS hosting my mail server, 
>>> which is now OpenSMTPD. It also hosts Archiveopteryx to act as my IMAP 
>>> server and email storage archive. So mail leaves my MBP connects to 
>>> OpenSMTPD and then Archiveopteryx to handle outgoing mail. Incoming mail I 
>>> connect right to archiveopteryx via IMAP.
>>> So my fist issue is virtual aliases. I have tried everything under the sun 
>>> to get them to work with OpenSMTPD and clearly I am not understanding the 
>>> docs at all.
>>> This is such an easy thing to do yet I can’t seem to grasp it with 
>>> OpenSMTPD.
>>> Here is my config:
>>> # This is the smtpd server system-wide configuration file.
>>> # See smtpd.conf(5) for more information.
>>> # To accept external mail, replace with: listen on all
>>> listen on localhost
>>> #listen on all
>>> # filters and filter chains setup
>>> filter filter-pause pause
>>> filter filter-regex regex
>>> filter filter-dnsbl-sorbs dnsbl
>>> filter filter-dnsbl-spamcop dnsbl "-h bl.spamcop.net"
>>> filter filter-dnsbl-spamhaus dnsbl "-h sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org"
>>> filter filter-spamassassin spamassassin "-s reject"
>>> filter filter-clamav clamav
>>> filter all chain filter-pause filter-regex filter-dnsbl-sorbs 
>>> filter-dnsbl-spamcop filter-dnsbl-spamhaus filter-spamassassin filter-clamav
>>> filter sub chain filter-pause filter-spamassassin filter-clamav
>>> # Enable TLS encryption
>>> pki xxxx-systems.net certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/mail.xxxx-systems.net.pem"
>>> pki xxxx-systems.net key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.xxxx-systems.net.key"
>>> # listen on tls pki xxxx-systems.net
>>> listen on xn0 tls-require pki xxxx-systems.net
>>> # If you edit the file, you have to run "smtpctl update table aliases"
>>> table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
>>> table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals
>>> table passwd passwd:/etc/mail/passwd
>>> # Allow Archiveopteryx to get sent mail.
>>> accept from any for domain “xxxx-systems.net" relay via 
>>> lmtp://
>>> # accept from any for domain “xxxx-systems.net" alias <aliases> deliver to 
>>> mbox
>>> accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
>>> accept for any relay
>>> So thing’s seem to work ok as long as the user I am emailing @ 
>>> xxxx-systems.net <http://xxxx-systems.net/> is a valid local user.
>>> For instance ch...@xxxx-systems.net <mailto:ch...@xxxx-systems.net> works 
>>> fine, because it is a real user, but chris.wat...@xxxx-systems.net 
>>> <mailto:chris.wat...@xxxx-systems.net>, a virtual user, does not.
>>> Obviously because it’s not a local user, it’s an alias. I have beaten my 
>>> head senseless trying to grasp how to add virtual users.
>> Your config seems to follow the FAQ example.  But you missed the need to
>> setup /etc/mail/virtuals table and the use of this table, e.g a:
>> ... virtual <virtuals> ....
>> You also missed the rcpt-to keyword.
> Thank you. So the table is defined, table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals.
> Then I can get it half working i think using the following:
> accept from any for domain “xxxx-systems.net" virtual <virtuals>. It won’t 
> work with “relay via lmtp” like the line below it does.

Why not just use deliver to lmtp?

> So I can’t figure out how to get it to pass virtual users into Archiveopteryx 
> via lmtp, as the valid local users mail does.
> And the “rcpt-to” keyword is no where in my documentation for smtpd.conf. 
> FreeBSD 10.3, OpenSMTPD 5.7.3.

It is a new feature (available in 5.9.2).

> So I am not sure of it’s syntax or function. But so far I was able to deduce 
> the following to use lmtp:
> accept from any for domain “xxxx-systems.net" virtual <virtuals> deliver to 
> lmtp
> But the logs show opensmtpd complaining of, what else, rcpt-to.
> May 18 16:49:59 open-systems smtpd[32600]: delivery: TempFail for 
> 2b7daee119906ec0: from=<ch...@xxxx--systems.net>, 
> to=<chris.wat...@xxxx-systems.net>, user=chris, method=lmtp, delay=5h38m22s, 
> stat=Error ("smtpd: RCPT TO rejected: 501 5.5.2 Address must have both 
> localpart and domain")
> If it feels like I am almost there. Is rcpt-to documented anywhere?
> Thanks again!
>>> I have tried every example on the net, I have read the docs but it’s just 
>>> not clear to me how one creates a simple virtual address.
>>> And I discovered although I did not see it in the docs, you cannot use 
>>> aliases or virtuals with a relay which is an issue because mail is 
>>> injecting with Archiveopteryx via LMTP.
>>> How does one add a simple email virtual user alias when a relay like above 
>>> is involved?
>>> Do I need a usertable? I can’t seem to use any table at all with a relay.
>> recipients keyword may help you.
>>> Thanks for any guidance you offer.
>>> Chris Watson, Open Systems
>>> ch...@open-systems.net
>>> CEO, Owner
>>> 316-558-0440
>>> PGP Fingerprint: BE67 ED60 6BB0 6B1E 2EB8  95D0 4A35 6B4D F529 1D0D
>>> PGP Key ID: F5291D0D

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