On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 01:51:20PM -0400, Andrew Ruscica wrote:
> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Joerg Jung <m...@umaxx.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Am 26.05.2016 um 14:11 schrieb Andrew Ruscica <andrew.li...@ruscica.com>:
> >
> > On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Joerg Jung <m...@umaxx.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Can you provide smtpctl show stats and fstat -u _smtpd output?
> >>
> >
> > If the event happens again, I will provide output before restarting the
> > daemon. Here it is now.. had to restart it a short while ago;
> >
> >
> > # smtpctl show stats
> > control.session=1
> > mta.connector=1
> > mta.domain=1
> > mta.envelope=0
> > mta.host=1
> > mta.relay=1
> > mta.route=1
> > mta.session=1
> > mta.source=1
> > mta.task=0
> > mta.task.running=0
> > queue.evpcache.load.hit=680
> > queue.evpcache.size=20
> > scheduler.delivery.ok=340
> > scheduler.envelope=0
> > scheduler.envelope.incoming=20
> > scheduler.envelope.inflight=0
> > scheduler.ramqueue.envelope=20
> > scheduler.ramqueue.message=9
> > scheduler.ramqueue.update=9
> > smtp.session=21
> > smtp.session.inet4=278
> >
> >
> > Out of 278 total sessions in 11min
> > you have 21 current active ones, guess most
> > of them are hanging...
> >
> > This looks like #698 to me.
> >
> > Have you applied the smtpd errata?
> >
> >
> Hmm,
> # smtpd -h
> version: OpenSMTPD 5.9.2
> also present before installing 5.9.2 from the tarball:
> # pkg_info | grep smtpd
> binpatch59-amd64-smtpd-1.0 Binary Patch for 006_smtpd
> If I don't limit states at pf (currently at 30), my maximum connections
> always reach the 500 (493) limit, and all relaying stalls.

I guess, you also have increased limits in login.conf?

> I know filter-spamassassin is expensive, and I've pre-forked (now 30)
> children (currently the box has 8 cores and 8GB RAM, both apparently
> underutilized), but the only way I can ensure the system doesn't get
> bottlenecked is to throttle the connections at pf.

What do you see from spamassassin spamd in the logs (maybe enable debug),
are the sessions finished by spamd? Have you tried the limit option of

Your fstat output also shows connections to clamav, so maybe not
spamassassin the culprit here?
> Also, limits are present:
> limit session max-mails 40
> limit scheduler max-inflight 30
> but it doesn't appear to change the behaviour - the queue is never full,
> just a ton of connections..

I assume hanging and dead, but hard to debug without logs, so:

Please add your exact versions as mentioned above, full config
(including spamassassin spamd and clamd tweaks), logs from
smtpd -dv -Tall and fstat as well as smtpctl show stats output to #698,

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