

I am using my own server with a postgresql database to store domains, users & 


vmail=> \d

                  List of relations

Schema |           Name           |   Type   | Owner


public | credentials              | table    | vmail

public | seq_vmail_credentials_id | sequence | vmail

public | seq_vmail_vdomains_id    | sequence | vmail

public | seq_vmail_vusers_id      | sequence | vmail

public | vdomains                 | table    | vmail

public | vusers                   | table    | vmail



This database is used by dovecot & opensmtpd for authentication (for encoding: 
use smtpctl encrypt).


All email are stored in the Maildir format, and store in the disk:



For this, following packages have to be installed


_opensmtpd-extras-201703132115p1 extras



Extract from smtpd.conf:




## Define Table


table aliases   db:/etc/mail/aliases.db

table vdomains  postgres:/etc/mail/pgsql.conf

table passwd    postgres:/etc/mail/pgsql.conf

table valiases  postgres:/etc/mail/pgsql.conf




Below, the database interface  (/etc/mail/pgsql.conf)


# smtpd.conf: table users pgsql:/etc/mail/pgsql.conf

conninfo host='myHost' user=’myUser' password='myPassword' dbname='myDBName'


# Alias lookup query


query_alias select destination from myRelation where email=$1;


# Domain lookup query


query_domain select domain from myRelation where domain=$1;


# User lookup query


#query_userinfo select 1001,1001,'/var/vmail/' from vusers where email=$1;


# Credentials lookup query


query_credentials select email, password from credentials where email=$1 and 
active = 'Y';  # <-- here your SQL request


Sorry for my bad english. I hope that it will be helping.






De : Reio Remma [mailto:r...@mrstuudio.ee] 
Envoyé : Sunday, February 4, 2018 3:02 PM
À : misc@opensmtpd.org
Objet : Userbase question.



I'm trying to figure out how I can have virtual domains/users working 
completely decoupled from system users.

Every virtual/alias path seem to want to end up at a system account so I'm 
trying to use userbase, but userbase seems to take username without the domain 
part as key.

query_userinfo          SELECT 5000, 5000, CONCAT('/home/dovecot/domains/', 
domain, '/', username ) AS homedir FROM users WHERE username = ?;

- bob
- emily

- john
- albert
- bob (not the same bob as b...@domain-one.com)

Mail sent to b...@domain-two.com will end up at b...@domain-one.com mailbox.

Am I missing something about using virtuals in general? I'm starting to feel a 
little stupid here. :)


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