On Mar 23, 2018 6:56 AM, Denis <den...@mindall.org> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> OpenSMTPd is a part of OpenBSD 6.2amd64 system I'm running.
> Having trouble with authentication on smtpd 465 and 587 ports. Both
> TLSv1.2 wrapped and authentication is PLAIN after TLS is negotiated.
> Local PLAIN auth (without TLS/SSL) works fine on port 25 while I connect
> from the same machine by email client directly.
> For <user_password> table I've used 'smtpctl enctypt' command. Dovecot
> uses the same table for authentication and auth users successfully
> either on TLSv1.2 enctyped port 993.
> --------------------------------------
> $ tail -n 15 /var/log/maillog
> smtpd[91077] smtp event=connected address= host=
> chiphers="version=TLSv1.2, cipher=XXX, bits=256"
> smtpd[91077] smtp event=authentication user=u...@domain.com
> address= host= result=permfail
> smtpd[91077] smtp event=failed-command address=
> host= command="AUTH PLAIN (...)" result="535 Authentication
> failed"
> smtpd[91077] smtp event=authentication user=u...@domain.com
> address= host= result=permfail
> smtpd[91077] smtp event=failed-command address=
> host= command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535
> Authentication failed"
> --------------------------------------
> $ cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
> ...
> pki smtp.domain.com cetficate "/etc/mail/smtpd.domain.com.crt"
> pki smtp.domain.com key "/etc/mail/smtpd.domain.com.key"
> ciphers TLSv1.2
> ...
> table alias db:/etc/mail/alias.db
> table virtual db:/etc/mail/virtual.db
> table domains file:/etc/mail/domains
> table user_password file:/etc/mail/user_password
> ...
> listen on lo0 port smtp tls pki smtp.domain.com
> listen on lo0 port 465 tls-require auth <user_password> pki smtp.domain.com
> listen on lo0 port 587 tls-require auth <user_password> pki smtp.domain.com
> ...
> accept from local for local alias <alias> deliver to lmtp
> "/dovecot/lmtp> rcpt-to
> accept from any for domain <domains> virtual <virtual> deliver to lmtp
> "/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to
> ...
> --------------------------------------
> What can be wrong?
> Denis

Try authentication with just the user part plus password.



Instead of

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