> been looking for guidance on PAM authentication. The spread is rather
> thin/sparse when searching the net for [ opensmtpd pam ] and basically
> boils down to
> https://github.com/OpenSMTPD/OpenSMTPD/issues/712.
> Another hint appears to be [ compile ] from the source package:
> [ --with-auth-pam=SERVICE    Enable PAM authentication support
> (default=smtpd) ]
> The Archlinux package was compiled with
> [ --with-auth-pam \ ] and thus wondering whether it translates thus to [
> --with-auth-pam=smtpd \ ] ?
> Apparently PAM needs to be configured on the system for smtpd. Would
> that suffice
> [ /etc/pam.d/spmtd ] reading ?:
> #%PAM-1.0
> auth    required        pam_unix.so nullok
> account required        pam_unix.so

Further reading into [ configure ] from the source package reveals at
line 17439 [ if a service name is not set smtpd will be used ]

Having then created [ /etc/pam.d/spmtd ] with the aforementioned content
and added [ auth ] to the [ listen on ] directive in the smptd
configuration gets PAM auth to work as expected.

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