
I'm using OpenSMTPD 6.4.0

I'm (at least) a little confused as to which sort of certs I should
put in the pki cert and ca conf file entries (I can cope with the key

I have an apparently functional ACME setup using the default
acme-client supplied with openbsd. This gives me 3 sorts of cert:

1) Bare cert
2) Chain cert
3) Full chain cert

I have pki cert set to the bare cert, and ca set to the chain cert -
is that correct? or should I use the full chain cert for the pki cert?

I ask because whilst the setup mostly morks I do get odd logging like

Jan  6 14:35:05 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta connecting
address=smtp:// host=mx.mnd.ukmail.iss.as9143.net
Jan  6 14:35:05 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta connected
Jan  6 14:35:05 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta starttls
ciphers=version=TLSv1.2, cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256
Jan  6 14:35:05 azathoth smtpd[87479]: smtp-out: Server certificate
verification succeeded on session 92975635cb3d86a4
Jan  6 14:35:05 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta delivery
evpid=00fe7e3a0bda75cf from=<forward...@uphall.net>
to=<yyy....@ntlworld.com> rcpt=<z...@uphall.net>
source="" relay="
(mx.mnd.ukmail.iss.as9143.net)" delay=1s result="Ok" stat="250 2.0.0
MXIN650 mail accepted for delivery
Jan  6 14:35:16 azathoth smtpd[87479]: smtp-out: Error on session
92975635cb3d86a4: opportunistic TLS failed, downgrading to plain
Jan  6 14:35:16 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta connecting
address=smtp+notls:// host=mx.mnd.ukmail.iss.as9143.net
Jan  6 14:35:16 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta connected
Jan  6 14:35:16 azathoth smtpd[87479]: 92975635cb3d86a4 mta
disconnected reason=quit messages=1

Where I seems to succeed with tls and then it says that it has failed.
What is going on?


John Cox

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