> 10€ for the project :-)

Haha, I'm sure a clever lawyer would have arguments for either of us already
winning that bet. 

> Hm, maybe you need a "application password".
> Try
> # smtpd -dv -Ttransfer
> There will be the line "mta: 0x....: >>> AUTH PLAIN SomeBase64Code
> $ echo YourBase64Code | openssl enc -base64 -d
> to see whether it contains the right login data.
> > The format of my secrets file is:
> > 
> > my_relay sender:PASSWORD
> Any strange glyph to be concerned about?

At one point I was trying to connect to the server with openssl and when I used
perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64("SomeBase64Code");' " for my
password it was truncating because of a char, so I changed that password out but
it made no difference.

$ echo YourBase64Code | openssl enc -base64 -d 

Which is what's in the secrets file but without the colon between the account
name and password 

Not sure if this helps but I'm looking at packet captures from Thunderbird and
smtpd, all seems fine until 

TLSv1.2 Certificate, Server Hello Done

Ignored Unknown Record

This packet has the following url as well

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