On 9/5/19 11:55 AM, Reio Remma wrote:
> On 05/09/2019 11:33, gil...@poolp.org wrote:
>> Yes, see the smtpd.conf(5) man page:
>> filter myreporter proc-exec "/tmp/reporting.sh"
>> listen on [...] filter myreporter
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: <<< EHLO localhost
> mproc: pony -> lka : 49 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_CLIENT
> mproc: pony -> lka : 50 IMSG_??? (129)
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: STATE_CONNECTED -> STATE_HELO
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250-host.domain.com Hello localhost [local], pleased to 
> meet you
> mproc: pony -> lka : 102 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250-8BITMIME
> mproc: pony -> lka : 47 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
> mproc: pony -> lka : 58 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250-SIZE 104857600
> mproc: pony -> lka : 53 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250 HELP
> mproc: pony -> lka : 43 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: IO_LOWAT <io:0x271aa40 fd=16 to=300000 fl=W ib=0 ob=0>
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: IO_DATAIN <io:0x271aa40 fd=16 to=300000 fl=R ib=38 ob=0>
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: <<< MAIL FROM:<u...@host.domain.com>
> mproc: pony -> lka : 72 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_CLIENT
> mproc: pony -> queue : 8 IMSG_SMTP_MESSAGE_CREATE
> imsg: queue <- pony: IMSG_SMTP_MESSAGE_CREATE (len=8)
> queue-backend: queue_message_create() -> 1 (df19e22a)
> mproc: queue -> pony : 16 IMSG_SMTP_MESSAGE_CREATE
> imsg: pony <- queue: IMSG_SMTP_MESSAGE_CREATE (len=16)
> mproc: pony -> lka : 37 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_TX_BEGIN
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: >>> 250 2.0.0 Ok
> mproc: pony -> lka : 70 IMSG_??? (134)
> mproc: pony -> lka : 47 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_SERVER
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: IO_LOWAT <io:0x271aa40 fd=16 to=300000 fl=W ib=0 ob=0>
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: IO_DATAIN <io:0x271aa40 fd=16 to=300000 fl=R ib=29 ob=0>
> smtp: 0x271c2c0: <<< RCPT TO:<u...@domain.com>
> mproc: pony -> lka : 63 IMSG_REPORT_SMTP_PROTOCOL_CLIENT
> mproc: pony -> lka : 291 IMSG_SMTP_EXPAND_RCPT
> SMTPD seems to get stuck here with no errors. This is with the simple:
> filter reporter proc-exec "/etc/opensmtpd/reporter.sh"
> #!/bin/sh
> while read line; do
>     echo $line >> /var/log/opensmtpd.log
> done
> Reio
You need to register what events you want to receive and finish up with

$ cat test.sh 

while read line; do
        echo $line >&2
        if [ "${line%%\|*}" == "config" ]; then
                if [ "${line#*\|}" == "ready" ]; then
                        echo "register|report|smtp-in|link-connect"
                        echo "register|ready"

Possible values for report are (from lka_report.c):
static struct smtp_events {
        const char     *event;
} smtp_events[] = {
        { "link-connect" },
        { "link-disconnect" },
        { "link-greeting" },
        { "link-identify" },
        { "link-tls" },
        { "link-auth" },

        { "tx-reset" },
        { "tx-begin" },
        { "tx-mail" },
        { "tx-rcpt" },
        { "tx-envelope" },
        { "tx-data" },
        { "tx-commit" },
        { "tx-rollback" },

        { "protocol-client" },
        { "protocol-server" },

        { "filter-response" },

        { "timeout" },

Possible values for filter are:
static struct filter_exec {
        enum filter_phase       phase;
        const char             *phase_name;
        int                    (*func)(struct filter_session *, struct filter 
*, uint64_t, const char *);
} filter_execs[FILTER_PHASES_COUNT] = {
        { FILTER_CONNECT,       "connect",      filter_builtins_connect },
        { FILTER_HELO,          "helo",         filter_builtins_helo },
        { FILTER_EHLO,          "ehlo",         filter_builtins_helo },
        { FILTER_STARTTLS,      "starttls",     filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_AUTH,          "auth",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_MAIL_FROM,     "mail-from",    filter_builtins_mail_from },
        { FILTER_RCPT_TO,       "rcpt-to",      filter_builtins_rcpt_to },
        { FILTER_DATA,          "data",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_DATA_LINE,     "data-line",    filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_RSET,          "rset",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_QUIT,          "quit",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_NOOP,          "noop",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_HELP,          "help",         filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_WIZ,           "wiz",          filter_builtins_notimpl },
        { FILTER_COMMIT,        "commit",       filter_builtins_notimpl },

reports come in in the format:

filters come in in the format:

Note that filters require a proceed, rewrite, reject, or disconnect
reply in the form:


Note that this is mostly stable, but some changes may occur, so
keep track of the version. Minor versions are backwards compatible,
major versions are not.

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