Could you post your config.


On Oct 3, 2019 10:34 AM, Kevin <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 12:36 AM Peter N. M. Hansteen <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 11:33:58PM -0700, Kevin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having just followed the setup instructions on Gilles HOWTO page here:
> ...I'm unable to send mail from my new OpenSMTPD server on OpenBSD 6.6-beta
> (OpenBSD 6.6-beta (GENERIC) #320: Mon Sep 30 21:24:24 MDT 2019); however,
> other deliveries (and mail retrieval) work.
> The pertinent log message looks like this:
> Oct  2 23:21:33 mx smtpd[25067]: bf1c57bab7fcd344 smtp envelope
> evpid=2c41c5fc4a7e6c06 from=<> to=<>
> Oct  2 23:21:33 mx smtpd[25067]: bf1c57bab7fcd344 smtp disconnected
> reason=quit
> Oct  2 23:21:38 mx smtpd[25067]: bf1c57b6b057c6ef mta error
> reason=Connection timeout

Connection timeout sounds very much like your machine is not allowed to send
outgoing mail via SMTP. Check for firewalls and the like.


[Thu Oct 03 09:24:37] peter@skapet:~$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
[Thu Oct 03 09:24:43] peter@skapet:~$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Among the things you need in order to deliver mail, a valid domain is in
the top few. I think the basic requirements are indeed listed in the article
(under "Requirements"), please go back and re-read, check that you have
all of those set up properly.

I can see why you might think that given that I altered the real domain name to (I know it's frowned upon; I only did it because this is a new machine with a setup hobbling along. Bad Kevin... bad...)

In any event, I'm *sure* the domain DNS part is right as I can _receive_ email just fine, including from the same @gmail address I'm writing this from, ergo, DNS resolution of the real domain (and its MX record) are fine. 

As for pf being the issue; it's disabled.

# pfctl -s info
Status: Disabled for 0 days 08:23:56             Debug: err

Latest, greatest kernel running:

$ dmesg | grep Open | tail -1    
OpenBSD 6.6 (GENERIC) #326: Wed Oct  2 22:34:33 MDT 2019
One of the things that's puzzling is this part of the log:

smtp disconnected reason=quit.

If I can send the domain email, if I can retrieve email via Dovecot, if I can send mail to myself from the server's CLI (and even retrieve it remotely via my mail client), it seems like there's some knob missing that says, "All auth'd users to relay," yet, I've copied-and-pasted Gilles' rules (and edited them for my own domain) , and it am no workie.

Is there perhaps something else akin to the forwarding knob that lets PF forward packets between interfaces that either I've forgotten or was skipped in the HOWTO?


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