Hi all

Can anyone help me with how to get custom certifcate verification to
work in opensmtpd?

I have two opensmtpd machines - yidhra & azathoth - and I want to
deliver mail from azathoth to yidhra.

On yidhra:

I have generated a local self-signed CA cert 
I have generated a machiner cert and signed it with my ca cert
I can verify the machine cert against the ca cert with openssl
I have the certs set  smtpd.conf with 

pki yidhra.outer.uphall.net cert
pki yidhra.outer.uphall.net key
ca yidhra.outer.uphall.net cert

and I belive that all works.

When azathoth attempsts to deliver mail I get

Mar  4 15:25:04 azathoth smtpd[85072]: 45f2eb8c98e80a78 mta connecting
address=smtp:// host=yidhra.outer.uphall.net
Mar  4 15:25:04 azathoth smtpd[85072]: 45f2eb89e3a43fb8 smtp
disconnected reason=quit
Mar  4 15:25:04 azathoth smtpd[85072]: 45f2eb8c98e80a78 mta connected
Mar  4 15:25:04 azathoth smtpd[85072]: 45f2eb8c98e80a78 mta tls
Mar  4 15:25:04 azathoth smtpd[85072]: 45f2eb8c98e80a78 mta
server-cert-check result="failure"

My questions are:
Where should I have put the local CA cert on azathoth in order to get
cert check success?

Do I need a certificate with purposes set - my current one doesn't?  

Can I get enhanced debug on the cert verification process so I know
what is failing?

I had this working (with verify required) until my certs timed out
recently & I have clearly cocked up something when updating

Many Thanks

John Cox

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