
I’ve started using OpenSMTPD recently, and when trying to setup a filter to
sign mails using dkim I stumbled upon this error:

# /usr/sbin/smtpd -d
info: OpenSMTPD 6.8.0p2 starting
dkimsign: Can't open key file (/etc/mail/dkim/my_very_secret_key.private): 
Permission denied
warn: lost processor: dkimsign exited abnormally
# echo $?

The child process of opensmtpd exited abnormally, but smtpd itself quits
normally, without relaying to the calling process (my shell in this example)
that an error happened.

I think it should at least exit(1), maybe another code to indicate that the
error came from a child process. It could even try to give information on the
child process exit code (see
for example) but this should not interfere with opensmtpd’s own exit codes.

Note that I’m running opensmtpd on Linux, not OpenBSD, but I doubt this is
relevant to the issue.


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Description: PGP signature

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