That's good to know. Thank you.

On 4/20/22, Tassilo Philipp <> wrote:
> Looks to me as it has to have exactly 32 chars.
>  From crypto.c:
>    #define KEY_SIZE        32
>    ...
>    static struct crypto_ctx {
>        unsigned char       key[KEY_SIZE];
>    } cp;
>    ...
>    int
>    crypto_setup(const char *key, size_t len)
>    {
>        if (len != KEY_SIZE)
>            return 0;
>        ...
>    }
> I only had a cursory look, so no maybe there are other checks somewhere.
> hth
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 03:52:38PM +0100, Josey Smith wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm on OpenSMTPD 7.0.0 and am trying out queue encryption.
>> Almost any key that I try errors with "smtpd: crypto_setup:invalid key
>> for queue encryption".
>> If I use "openssl rand -hex 16" (which I found in an example on
>> Gilles's site -
>> it always seems to work, but if I increase the number it often fails.
>> So, mostly out of curiosity, I was wondering what are the limitations
>> for a valid queue encryption key?
>> As a side note, if I check my config (smtpd -n) while queue encryption
>> is set to "-" or "stdin" I get the same error message (although the
>> server still seems to work). Is that a bug?
>> Josey

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