On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 13:00:27 +0200
Kamil Andrusz <w...@mniam.net> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I’ve an old existing setup where I have existing system users. I
> would like to add new domains and use virtual users (no need for them
> to have system accounts). The system has only one IP available.
> I implemented the expected solution on Dovecot side simply by using
> multiple passdb/userdb entries.
> However I can’t figure out how (or if it’s at all possible with a
> single IP) to get SMTP AUTH working for both system and virtual users
> with OpenSMTPD.
> Is that possible and if it is, any hints how to do it?
> Thank you in advance!
> With best regards,
> Kamil Andrusz

According to the man page it is supported:


listen on interface [family] [options]
    Listen on the interface for incoming connections, using the same
syntax as ifconfig(8). The interface parameter may also be an interface
group, an IP address, or a domain name. Listening can optionally be
restricted to a specific address family, which can be either inet4 or

    The options are as follows:

    auth [<authtable>]
        Support SMTPAUTH: clients may only start SMTP transactions
    after successful authentication. Users are authenticated against
    either their own normal login credentials or a credentials table
    authtable, the format of which is described in table(5).

From one of my conf's (using a credentials table):

table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets

listen on eth0 port 465 smtps pki mydomain.com auth <secrets>

match from auth for any action "relay"

Good luck!

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