I have the following filters in smtpd.conf to cut the hosts sending SPAM:

    filter no_dyndns \
        phase connect \
        match rdns regex { \
                '.*\.dyn\..*', '.*\.dsl\..*', \
                '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}.*', \
                '([0-9]{1,3}-){3}.*' \
        } \
        disconnect "550 We do not accept mail from dynamic IPs"

    filter no_rdns \
        phase rcpt-to \
        match !rdns \
        disconnect "451 Sending server has no reverse DNS (PTR record)"

    filter no_fcrdns \
        phase rcpt-to \
        match ! fcrdns \
        disconnect "451 No Forward Confirmed Reverse DNS. Please contact your 
e-mail administrator"

and then

    listen on port 25 tls pki mail.svyrydiuk.eu \
        ca cafile \
        hostname "mail.svyrydiuk.eu" \
        filter { no_dyndns, no_rdns, no_fcrdns }

On Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 02:37:25AM +0000, Mik J wrote:
> Hello,
> Sometimes I'm getting spam because I have a weakness in my configuration
> At the moment I have
> action TO-CLAM_SMTPD_IN relay host smtp://
> match from src <clients> for domain <domaines> action TO-CLAM_SMTPD_IN
> match from any for domain <domaines> action TO-CLAM_SMTPD_IN
> The table clients is a file that contains IPs including, the table 
> domaines is a list of domains that I host on my mail server
> My problem is that a spammer is able to send mails to me when it uses a 
> domain that I host.For example, the file domaines contains mydomain1.org and 
> mydomain2.orgThe spammer doesehlo emtpmail from: 
> <existing-mailbox-such-as-i...@mydomain2.org>rcpt to: <m...@mydomain1.org>data
> subject: This is a spam
> Spamspamspam
> .
> So I would tend to write a rule such asmatch ! from domain <domaines> for 
> domain <domaines> action TO-CLAM_SMTPD_INConsidering that users that write 
> from mydomain2.org to mydomain1.org match the first rule since they are local 
> or authenticated or coming from one of the known IPs.But this rule is not 
> correct
> Thank you

with best regards,
Slavik Svyrydiuk

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