
It was a while in this thread, but I don't forget.

I put all my ideas to filter-dnsbl as a fork which is available on GitHub:

Here the quote from updated man page which summirizes changes:

     filter-dnsbl looks up the IP address of the sender in the blacklist (a
     domain name) and, by default drops the connection if it is found.  If the
     -m flag is specified, it will allow the message to continue, but such a
     message will be marked with X-Spam header with value Yes, and
     X-Spam-DNSBL header containing a list, and any existing headers starting
     with X-Spam will be stripped. If the -w flag is specified before
     blacklist, this list is treated as white list and X-Spam header isn't
     added, but X-Spam-DNSWL header is added instead X-Spam-DNSBL.
     Additionally, if the -d flag is specified before blacklist, it will use
     reverse DNS hostname instead of IP address for loopkup. For more verbose
     logging, the -v flag can be used.

     When DNS error happened it drops the connection, or adds X-Spam header
     with value Unknown and X-Spam-DNS with a list with cause an error if the
     -m flag is specified.

I've attached to this email port file for OpenBSD to to use it.

Additionally, you may grab build version for 7.5 from where I also keep filter-sign and filter-auth.

Any feedback and testing welcome.

Martijn, do you think this changes can be backported back?

wbr, Kirill

Attachment: filter.tgz
Description: Binary data

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