31) Regulate utility rates. Establish and enforce gas, electric, and public 
transportation rates, and rates and charges for all other utilities owned and 
operated, or services furnished, by the city; and establish or approve and 
enforce all rates and charges of privately owned utilities operating within the 
city not regulated by other public authority. All such rates and charges shall 
be determined after a public hearing and in accordance with regularly 
established procedures to be prescribed by ordinance. 
Section 16.13. Rate making provisions
The said board shall fix the rates to be charged for services and facilities 
furnished by such public utilities, subject to the approval of the council. 
Such rates shall be submitted to the council, and no action shall be taken 
thereon for a period of at least two weeks. The schedule of proposed rates or 
changes therein shall be filed with the city clerk and shall be a public record 
open to the inspection of any person. During such period the council may, on 
own motion, hold a public hearing on such schedule of rates or proposed 
charges thereon and may adjourn such hearing from time to time. At the 
conclusion of 
such hearing the council shall approve or reject such schedule of rates or 
proposed changes therein. 
Both the board and the council may take into consideration the health and 
welfare of the inhabitants of the community in establishing the rate structure.
Approved by vote of the people August 8, 1978. 
Section 19.26. Contracts and ordinances contrary to Charter
All contracts, agreements and other obligations entered into, and all 
ordinances and resolutions passed after the adoption of this Charter and 
contrary to 
the provisions thereof shall be void.
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