
Do you have that link we talked about last night?


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-----Original Message-----
From: "Tom Martz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 16:49:02 
Subject: Official Ballot Title Proposition A

*This issue seem to be one of the most contentious on the ballot.  A yes
vote will allow the individuals who visit these establishments to spend as
much money as they see fit without government interference and this will
limited the amount of casinos in the state to 13.  As per Missouri statutes
casinos are only allowed on the Mississippi & Missouri Rivers and we already
have the amount of casinos allowed by a yes vote.  In reading the full text
of this bill there are appropriate safeguards to make sure the schools get
the funding that is applicable to this measure.  This is a self imposed tax
paid only by those people who visit the casinos, much like the motel/hotel
tax that passed here in Springfield a few years back.*

*It is quite possible for the state to reduce funding of the schools based
on the amount of revenue generated from this tax in order to make up for
shortfalls in other areas however the school system would still be funded
with the amount appropriated in the annual budget.*

*Voting "NO" on this measure means nothing is changed in the Constitution,
as if this was never even on the ballot.  On a side bar note if the state of
Missouri can regulate a $500 loss limit(they currently do) is there anything
that would prevent them from telling the individual how many times they are
allowed to eat out or trips allowed to the buffet line.  Think about it


*Official Ballot Title
*Proposition A

[Full text <>]

[Proposed by Initiative Petition]

*Official Ballot Title:*

Shall Missouri law be amended to:

   - repeal the current individual maximum loss limit for gambling;
   - prohibit any future loss limits;
   - require identification to enter the gambling area only if necessary to
   establish that an individual is at least 21 years old;
   - restrict the number of casinos to those already built or being built;
   - increase the casino gambling tax from 20% to 21%;
   - create a new specific education fund from gambling tax proceeds
   generated as a result of this measure called the "Schools First Elementary
   and Secondary Education Improvement Fund"; and
   - require annual audits of this new fund?

 State governmental entities will receive an estimated $105.1 to $130.0
million annually for elementary and secondary education, and $5.0 to $7.0
million annually for higher education, early childhood development,
veterans, and other programs. Local governmental entities receiving gambling
boat tax and fee revenues will receive an estimated $18.1 to $19.0 million

*Fair Ballot Language:*

A "*yes*" vote will amend Missouri law to:

   - repeal the current individual maximum loss limit for gambling;
   - prohibit any future loss limits;
   - require identification to enter the gambling area only if necessary to
   establish that an individual is at least 21 years old;
   - restrict the number of casinos to those already built or being built;
   - increase the casino gambling tax from 20% to 21%;
   - create a new specific education fund from gambling tax proceeds
   generated as a result of this measure called the "Schools First Elementary
   and Secondary Education Improvement Fund"; and
   - require annual audits of this new fund.

A "*no*" vote will maintain the current individual maximum loss limit of
five hundred dollars for each gambling excursion. The casino gambling tax
will not be increased nor will the "Schools First Elementary and Secondary
Education Improvement Fund" be created. Also, the number of new casinos that
may be built in Missouri will not be restricted.

If passed, this measure will increase the casino gambling tax.


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he'll be warm the rest of his life".

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~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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