--- On Mon, 11/17/08, Downsizer Dispatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Downsizer Dispatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Should You Pay Autoworkers to Do Nothing?
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 1:36 PM

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
Quote of the Day: "The Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government." -- Joseph Sobran
Subject: Should you pay autoworkers to do nothing?
If the history of the current era is ever written properly it may be called "The Age of the Government Sponsored Scam." The examples are piling up. Here's the latest . . .
Did you know that GM and other automakers with UAW contracts have to pay many of their employees to do nothing! It's called a Job Bank. Laid-off workers at Ford, GM, and Chrysler are paid 90% of their previous wages to sit in a room at the factory doing nothing! 
Think of what this will mean if the politicians pass a bill to bailout GM, or Chrysler, or Ford. When you go to work you'll be laboring part of the day to pay some members of the United Auto Workers union to sit and produce nothing.
Doesn't that sound like a scam to you, and wouldn't a bailout represent government sponsorship of this scam?
Do you think, perhaps, the Detroit automakers might not need a bailout if they didn't sign such stupid contracts with the UAW union?
Do you think, perhaps, that the Democrats may ignore this problem unless they hear outrage about it from their constituents?
If you have Democratic representatives you may want to ponder whether they represent the unions, or you. Shouldn't you ask them where their loyalties lie?
Or, if you have Republican representatives, do you think they might make an issue of this if you inform them of it?
And what about your friends, families, and neighbors? Shouldn't they hear about this too?
This is the ideal time to shout this story far and wide. Either . . .
* The UAW will have to give-up their do-nothing Job Banks, and perhaps save the Detroit automakers without the need for a bailout, or . . .
* The proposed bailout will fail in Congress if the Job Banks are still in place
Please do four things . . .
* Forward this message to your friends
* Open a Digg account and Digg this message on our blog, so more people will see it
* Use our "No Bailouts" campaign to tell Congress that the UAW Job Banks provision makes the idea of a tax-funded bailout completely intolerable
* Use your personal comments to ask Democratic representatives whether they represent you, or the unions, and ask Republican representatives to make a major issue of this
Close the Gap Progress Report
(feel free to remove this section if you're forwarding this message to others, or re-posting it on your blog)
Two major donors have promised to give Downsize DC $50,000 if we could raise another $39,000 from people on this list.As soon as we've reached the goal we'll have next year's entire operating budget covered.
We'll use most of any additional money we raise to . . .
* Rent lists of politically engaged people
* Send them a letter describing RTBA and OSTA  
* Ask them to join Downsize DC for free, by subscribing to the Downsizer Dispatch
* Make a pitch for funds so we can send more RTBA/OSTA letters to more potential recruits
The Downsize DC Army will start to grow at a rapid rate.
Here's our initial report . . .
* Top Down Pledges received: $3,000
* Bottom Up Pledges (12 month value) received: $1,626
That means that we've "Closed the Gap" by $4,626, leaving us with a balance, or "gap" of $34,374. Just $34,374 more in combined Top Down and Bottom Up monthly pledges funds our entire 2009 budget!
This weekend, we ALSO received $125 in one-time donations towards our November budget (which we still need to reach too).
Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.
Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
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