You are SO right. ! Well done. Kinda Like Springfield . Don't Ya think ?
Maybe we should sell oil.
I can remember when some water well drilling companies that were drilling for 
water here in Missouri would hit oil and other products before they hit water.
  I know !!!  We could buy oil from them now and when they jack the price up 
. We could sell it back to them.
    Buy My Butter!!!
I would show them my Gravity powered electric generator for 800 billion.
I could send them a drawing for half that amount. But the check would have to 
clear my bank before I could allow them to open the envelope.
The Fairtax Guy
In a message dated 12/19/2008 11:26:28 AM Central Standard Time, 
rail...@sbcglobal.net writes:
Interesting! ! ! However, I do wonder how much we should consider Abu Dhabi 
as a good financial operational model for Springfield. 

Since the price of crude oil dropped like a rock recently, Abu Dhabi has gone 
from being super-rich money magnet to near bankruptcy. Building has stopped. 
Foreign workers (doing all the building) have been expelled. Half-finished 
skyscrapers are deserted. Foreign investment in A.D. is zilch. Their financial 
support for 'new' developments (including alternative energy sources) has 
stopped. Maybe A.D.will come back if oil prices increase again.

Jim Hornaday

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