This is rich!  The city says "ahem, its very nice that the general  
assembly has limited our power, but this makes it more difficult for  
us to seize private property for pet projects so if we could just  
amend that it would be great.
On Jan 1, 2009, at 12:40 PM, Tom Martz wrote:

> This is the cities legislative policy on eminent domain please read  
> the last sentence quite carefully.  Last year or the year before  
> our legislature passed a law which sort of crimps the E.D. issue by  
> local governments and it appears the city is asking for the issue  
> to be laid to rest so they can create another Jordan Valley Park
> D.2 Municipal Acquisition of Land - Use of Eminent Domain
> Eminent domain is indispensable and is most often used as a last  
> resort for revitalizing local economies, creating much-needed jobs  
> and generating revenue that enables cities to provide essential  
> services. Eminent domain is a powerful tool – its prudent use, when  
> exercised in the sunshine of public scrutiny, helps achieve a great  
> public good that benefits the entire community. Last year the  
> General Assembly passed eminent domain reform with House Bill 1644,  
> which imposes much greater financial and procedural burdens on  
> municipalities when properly exercising their power of eminent  
> domain. The City of Springfield recognizes that eminent domain  
> reform could drastically undercut municipalities' ability to  
> perform basic services, and for showing restraint in that respect  
> the General Assembly is to be commended. However, the City of  
> Springfield is hopeful that our legislators will be willing to  
> readdress this issue after they have had a chance to reexamine some  
> of the more costly provisions. Many provisions of the new law are  
> overly burdensome and serve no purpose other than imposing  
> additional hurdles and thus expenses to the municipality and the  
> taxpayer.
> -- 
> "lite a fire for a man he'll be warm for a day, lite the man on  
> fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life".
> Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean  
> politics won't take an interest in you!
> -Pericles (430 B.C.)
> "You don't pay taxes - they take taxes."
> ~ Chris Rock~
> "no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
> ~Will Turner~
> ~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~
> Save your property rights
> >

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