The Church that I attend will stand up and support the no kill Law.
  Our pastor will and has preached on the subject and he is not afraid to 
tell the congregation that he believes it is wrong to kill babies.
If Ya disagree with Him he will show Ya the door right in front of God and 
My Pastor will tell you like it is and he has pointed people to the door many 
Not to say that He is right and you are wrong but the Bible and our Doctrine 
is sound and on Rock. No Kill'en babies in our church.
We don't splash'em with dirty water before they accept Jesus as their savior 
and then we make sure they know what they are doing before we dunk'em.
I help the pastor get in and out of his waders so he don't have to go to 
lunch with wet socks.
Larry We Donk'em Melton
In a message dated 1/22/2009 2:57:46 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

The question only was made to make a point, none of the church today will 
speak out about any of this, they are for most part dead, I am not leaving any 
them out, they all have moved to go along with the culture of today, that 
means they will all have to answer for what they have done.
God said (Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do 
the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy 
candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.) Rev. 2:5.  Otherwise He is 
going to put their lights out, so it won't be long before the big lights our 

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