I hate to say this, but some of that stuff looks like stuff from that house
we cleaned out Tom.  We paid that lady to haul it off, remember?  That one
that was scary?

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Tom Martz <t.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Eric,
> The picture that your looking at is actually private property so we need to
> convince the landowner to get it clean and then make sure it stays that
> way.  Around the end of the month we are however going to have a volunteer
> event to clean up the upper Wilson's Creek Arm from all the debris from bank
> to bank.
> tom
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Eric Vought <evou...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 5, 2009, at 9:36 PM, larmelt...@aol.com wrote:
>> > Wilson's Creek was an abysmal place to fight a battle. The creek,
>> > curving west and south toward the James River, passed between
>> > steeply rising bluffs and tall hills cut by ravines. The Confederate
>> > encampments were strung out for approximately two miles on either
>> > side of the point where Wilson's Creek was intersected by the main
>> > road from Springfield. On the west side of the creek, from which
>> > Lyon's forces were approaching, there arose a 150-foot spur of land
>> > that would soon become known as Bloody Hill. The hill overlooked a
>> > wilderness of rambling streams, rocky outcroppings and heavy growths
>> > of brush and scrub oak. The area in which the two armies would clash
>> > was cramped--barely 520 yards long by 175 yards wide.
>> > All Hell broke loose and some evidence is still there.     V
>> This is horrible. I really don't understand how people can show this
>> much disrespect to people's GRAVES. I never have understood it.
>> I really commend you on pushing this, Larry. Thank you. When it gets
>> warmer (and I can move again), Cathi and I will pitch in. We have a
>> pickup and can borrow a trailer. For that matter, we have a work horse
>> for getting into places you maybe don't want to bring heavy equipment.
>> His training is coming along, by the way. We are off to an antique
>> shop to look at some bits of equipment we might pick up.
>> Sincerely,
>> Eric Vought
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