The agenda is to get government back into protecting the rights that have
been bestowed upon us, NOT for government to define them.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Tina Yearack <>wrote:

>  I just wish I had time to do all of the research that you and Jim
> Hornaday do, guys are amazing!!  I usually don't like relying
> on information from other people; I like to find out for myself.  But, I
> feel like the information that you guys bring to the table is
> well-researched, and accurate.  At this point, I see no political agenda or
> self-serving motives here, which is nice.
> Blessings from our house to yours!
> Tina Y.
> "Cause I'm letting go of everything I am; and I'm holding on to everything
> You are..." from "All in (letting go)" by TobyMac
> Tina Yearack
> Staff Accountant
> Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor
> Stufflebam CPA Group
> 1650 S. Enterprise
> Springfield, MO  65804
> (417) 882-2273 (office)
> (417) 882-0644 (fax)
> (417) 880-1501 (cell)
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> this message are not given or endorsed by my firm or employer unless
> otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this
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> Any tax advice contained in the body of this e-mail was not intended or
> written to be used, and cannot be used, by the recipient for the purpose
> of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue
> Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions.
>  -----Original Message-----
> *From:* [mailto:
>]*on Behalf Of *Tom Martz
> *Sent:* Friday, February 27, 2009 10:50 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Debate on the value and/or priority of installing Wayfinder
> Signs in Springfield
> I believe Gary Deaver said it best when he said he would ask out of towners
> down at BPS what they were going to do next and the vast majority said EAT @
> LAMBERT'S.  This tells me that Lambert's is doing a wonderful job of
> advertising and word of mouth advertising.  The city of Ozark is NOT doing
> it for them.
> In this election we have voices of reason against the ECHOES of higher
> taxation and wasteful spending.  The people will determine if Springfield
> continues to slide into debt oblivian.
> tom
> p.s. Tina your words are great to read keep posting insightful thoughts
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Tina Yearack <>wrote:
>> In the REAL WORLD, (and it terrifies me to think of how far our city,
>> state,
>> and federal governments have ventured AWAY from REAL WORLD strategies)
>> when
>> ordinary, every people, businessmen (most of them, anyway) run into a
>> crisis
>> like this, (and, in my opinion, this is a 5-alarm fire) you put ALL the
>> cash
>> on the table (designated, not designated, etc.), and you look at what you
>> have.  And you come up with a CHANGE to your already-created budget THAT
>> MAKES SENSE, and maximizes the cash you have.  Is this really that hard?
>>  If
>> it's really that hard and complicated, then something is VERY WRONG.
>> When I was teaching high school, we received monies from the state that
>> HAD
>> to be spent on certain types of equipment.  Never mind that we needed
>> something that didn't fall into their guidelines.  So, after 6 years, I
>> ended up with equipment that I didn't need, and I was spending my own
>> money
>> to buy the stuff that the state wouldn't provide because it didn't "fit"
>> in
>> with their mandates.  How crazy is that????
>> To spend money just for the sake of spending money, and to "prove" somehow
>> that the Council keeps its word, and will lose its credibility if it
>> doesn't
>> follow through with something that the voters approved YEARS ago (OK, it
>> was
>> only two or three, but seems like a lifetime after what's happened with
>> our
>> economy) is just plain irresponsible.  Whatever happened to good
>> old-fashioned common sense?  Actually, I don't think anyone's common sense
>> has gone out the window.  I just think that it's been overtaken by good
>> old-fashioned greed.
>> The motives by which our Council and its supporters have operated
>> absolutely
>> take my breath away.  There is no motive for doing what's best for our
>> city.
>> It doesn't take a rocket scientist, or camping out at city hall every day,
>> to see that.
>> "Cause I'm letting go of everything I am; and I'm holding on to everything
>> You are..." from "All in (letting go)" by TobyMac
>> Tina Yearack
>> Staff Accountant
>> Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor
>> Stufflebam CPA Group
>> 1650 S. Enterprise
>> Springfield, MO  65804
>> (417) 882-2273 (office)
>> (417) 882-0644 (fax)
>> (417) 880-1501 (cell)
>> ***********Stufflebam CPA Group, PC Confidentiality Footer ******
>> Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message.
>> If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible
>> for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or
>> deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy
>> this message, and notify us immediately. If you or your employer does
>> not consent to Internet email messages of this kind, please advise us
>> immediately. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in
>> this message are not given or endorsed by my firm or employer unless
>> otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this
>> message.
>> Any tax advice contained in the body of this e-mail was not intended or
>> written to be used, and cannot be used, by the recipient for the purpose
>> of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue
>> Code or applicable state or local tax law provisions.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []on Behalf Of Matthew
>> Block
>> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:05 PM
>> To: missourilibertycoalition
>> Subject: Re: Debate on the value and/or priority of installing Wayfinder
>> Signs in Springfield
>> My point is that saying "Don't do this!" is not nearly as convincing
>> as saying "Do this instead".  If you want to convince council that
>> their priorities are wrong, you have to provide alternatives.
>> Otherwise they'll just look at you like a whiner (whether or not your
>> protest is justified).
>> The naming of more important CIP projects IS NOT USELESS. The CIP
>> money exists and has been collected and should be applied to
>> something; otherwise we've been taxed for nothing.  If you intend to
>> convince council (or anyone) to not spend the money on signs, you need
>> to be able to point at something else to spend it on.
>> I completely understand and am also frustrated by the irresponsible
>> pension decisions, but CIP money cannot be mingled with anything
>> else.  So the pension troubles have nothing to do with this issue.
>> On Feb 26, 12:52 pm, "James Hornaday Jr." <>
>> wrote:
>> >         Matthew:
>> >
>> > I think you have little understanding of the frustration OTHER citizens
>> feel when they see the City run the police/fireman's pension into the
>> ground, and then watch the same council people authorize starting a
>> $683,000
>> capital improvement project that does NOTHING for addressing the city's
>> core
>> needs. I don't think anyone has violent objections to installing these
>> signs. It's just that the administration and council have warped
>> priorities,
>> and spending money now when they don't have it is something they just have
>> to do. Do you have any idea as to how many Council approved projects are
>> intended to be funded by sale of bonds?  That's the same as you and I
>> putting a big purchase on a credit card.
>> >
>> > Hey, there are 70 street, sanitary sewer,  and stormwater projects  in
>> the
>> Council approved 2009-2014 CIP listing. If you are so all fired eager to
>> name a better priority project out of those projects compared to the
>> Wayfinder Signs, do it! I don't want to imagine what specific project you
>> think might be more important.
>> >
>> > The naming of or debate over what might be a 'better' CIP project is
>> kind
>> of useless. We just had a demonstration of the city's thinking Monday
>> night
>> that shows us Council's priorities - -  and we think their priorities
>> stink!  The city hasn't learned the meaning of the word "NO!" yet. They
>> think they can continue spending spending spending. The council members
>> that
>> voted FOR the Wayfinding Signs will ultimately regret their votes.
>> >
>> > Jim Hornaday
>> >
>> > Re: What might be a better priority CIP than Wayfinder Signs?
>> >
>> > Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:13 PM
>> >
>> >             From:
>> >
>> >                 "Matthew Block" <>
>> >
>> >             To:
>> >
>> >             "missourilibertycoalition"
>> <>
>> >
>> > Why did this end up on a new thread??  I wanted to see the original
>> > argument strengthened because the original post was rather weak.  A
>> > reply to the original discussion would have made much more sense.  I'm
>> > not trying to take sides here, but I would like to show why the
>> > council members haven't been influenced by these arguments.
>> >
>> > Even this reply is hardly convincing.  Could any of these projects
>> > listed be completed for the same price as these wayfinding signs?  Are
>> > any of these projects going to bring more business to town?
>> >
>> > How important wayfinding signs are in general is something worth
>> > debating, but tough economic times make them more important rather
>> > than less.  This argument that the timing is wrong is completely
>> > misguided.  If you don't want to try to pull people in when times are
>> > tight, why would you bother when things are already going well.  If
>> > we're going to do this, now would be the best time.  Like I said
>> > though, whether or not we want to do this is worth debating.
>> >
>> > On Feb 24, 2:07 pm, "James Hornaday Jr." <>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > >             From:
>> >
>> > >                 "Matthew Block" <>
>> >
>> > >             To:
>> >
>> > >             "missourilibertycoalition"
>> <>
>> >
>> > > What on the list of capital improvements should be moved ahead of the
>> > > Wayfinding signs in priority?
>> > > You talked about prioritizing, but didn't name any projects that
>> > > should be a higher priority.
>> > > Unless there is something this money could be used for that is a
>> > > higher priority, why wouldn't we move ahead with the signs?
>> > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> > > Good question Mathew.
>> >
>> > > For starters on selecting another 'better' priority for spending
>> taxpayers' capital money, how about:
>> >
>> > 1) any road project that would make it easier for people to drive
>> > around town? We can pick from 28 council approved CIP projects.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > 2) any storm sewer project that would keep a neighborhood or street
>> > > from flooding the next time we have a 3 inch rain? # council approved
>> > > CIP projects = 23. Pick one.
>> >
>> > > 3) any sanitary sewer system improvement that would keep the nasty
>> > > stuff flowing down hill and being treated properly before release, so
>> > > that it meets DNR and the EPA regulations? # council approved CIP
>> > > projects = 23. Pick one.
>> >
>> > > 4) any side walk improvement program that would allow school kids to
>> > > stay OUT of streets as they are walking to and from school.  # council
>> > > approved projects = 4. Pick one.
>> >
>> > > 5) any capital improvement project that might help the Springfield
>> > > Police Department run more efficiently ?   Ooops! There isn't a single
>> > > one.  Police activities don't seem to rate too high on Council's and
>> > > Administration's priority list.
>> >
>> > > Excuse me, but Wayfinder Signs in the city don't rate too high in my
>> > > personal opinion book, compared to the priority Springfield obviously
>> puts on installing
>> >
>> > these signs. If you have any idea the projects the City wants to spend
>> > our tax money on, it's very easy to conclude their spending priorities
>> > are NOT our priorities.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > > Jim Hornaday
> --
> The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
> ~Justice John Marshall~
> Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
> won't take an interest in you!
> -Pericles (430 B.C.)
> "no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
> ~Will Turner~
> ~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~
> A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
> ~Justice John Marshall~
> >


The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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