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From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA 

Date:   Wednesday, 8APR09     Noon EDT 


Missouri's McCaskill was an anti-amnesty Democrat but said yesterday she backs 
DREAM amnesty 



Phone Sen. McCaskill's offices now and protest her revelation yesterday at a 
Union, Mo. town hall meeting that she probably will vote for the DREAM amnesty. 

Fellow Missourians, your activism has never been more important in the 
immigration battle than now.

Because Sen. McCaskill has been the backbone of anti-amnesty, pro-enforcement 
Democrats in the Senate, many believe that if she flips to the open-borders 
side, an amnesty will indeed pass this year.

Washington observers have based that in part because they have not believed 
that Missouri voters would allow their Senator to join the open-borders side. 
Their reasoning is that if Missourians are actually ALLOW one of their Senators 
to support an amnesty, that would mean acceptance of open borders surely will 
have become mainstream for the country as a whole, as well.

Please, Missourians, SHOW ME you have the the commitment to send a clear 
message to Sen. McCaskill, to Senate leaders and to the President for the sake 
of the whole nation.

Please go to your Action Buffet corkboard where you will find a fax to send to 
Sen. McCaskill and a phone note with phone numbers and talking points. Most 
importantly, on the phone note, you will find a button to take you to a form 
where you can report what you are told when you call the Senator's office.

We feel quite certain that the Senator's staff will be totally uninformed -- 
worse, misinformed -- about the DREAM Act because it is obvious that Sen. 
McCaskill has no idea what is in the legislation she says she is inclined to 


Staffers in every office need to know that their Senator has crossed the line 
and is in great political danger.

If you live near one of these offices, drop by and talk to a staffer in person.

St. Louis, MO
ph: 314-367-1364 adr: 5850 A Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63112 

Washington, DC
ph: 202-224-6154 adr: SH 717, Washington, DC 20510 

Springfield, MO
ph: 417-868-8745 adr: 324 Park Central West, Springfield, MO 65806 

Cape Girardeau, MO
ph: 573-651-0964 adr: 555 Independence Avenue, Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 

Columbia, MO
ph: 573-442-7130 adr: 915 East Ash Street, Columbia, MO 65201 

Kansas City, MO
ph: 816-421-1639 adr: 4141 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO 64111 


You need to know that we are starting this emergency campaign based on 
something solid.

What we have is a report of the town hall meeting in the St. Louis Beacon which 
you can read for yourself. 

I have checked with Hill sources this morning who say that the report of 
McCaskill's amnesty comments are consistent with what has been circulating 
about her in Democratic circles on Capitol Hill.

If Sen. McCaskill steps back and publicly declares that all these reports are 
wrong, we will gladly call off this campaign and go back to treating her as one 
of our heroes.


During her first two years in the Senate, McCaskill earned an overall A-minus 
Immigration-Reduction Grade and a solid A on amnesty votes.

She currently has the second best grade of all Senate Democrats in protecting 
American workers from losing jobs to foreign workers.

Why would she turn on her record, on Missouri voters and on American workers by 
supporting a gigantic amnesty?

For now, I'm hoping that the reason is that she has allowed herself to be 
misled because of her very close association with Pres. Obama and because (our 
Hill sources tell us) his Administration is applying incredible pressure on all 
Democrats to support the DREAM amnesty as a supposedly narrow bill for "the 

Your job is to force Sen. McCaskill and her staff to look at what the DREAM 
amnesty actually does and bring her back to her principles and to the wishes of 
her constituents.

You know that there is not a big clamor anywhere in Missouri for her to become 
an amnesty champion. The impetus has to be based on pleasing the open-borders 
leadership of the Democratic Party.

Bring her back to her roots, Missourians.


Here are some excerpts from the news story of the Union town hall meeting:

McCaskill, in turn, reaffirmed her longstanding argument that the best way to 
battle illegal immigration is to enforce stiff penalties on employers who 
knowingly hired illegals and, for example, "put 14 in a hotel room ...and pay 
them $200 in cash on Fridays" to work as roofing or lawn crews. 

Such jobs are the real enticement for illegal immigrants and their 
disappearance is the best was to discourage it, the senator said.

Good stuff. This is the old McCaskill we have loved.

However, McCaskill emphasized that she also had sympathy for some teenagers who 
had been brought to the United States as infants or toddlers by their 
illegal-immigrant parents. The teens (some who were unaware of their illegal 
status) now face deportation, because their status became known when they 
applied for college or the military.

"We have a heart-breaking example of young woman in mid-Missouri. Who's 
valedictorian of her class,'' McCaskill said. "Huge community leader in her 
church. Now having trouble staying the country because her parents didn't 
follow the rules.'' 

OK, McCaskill described a fairly narrow group of people about whom we can have 
some honest debate about what to do with them. But . . .

"The DREAM Act is hard,'' McCaskill said. But she then added, "I will probably 
vote for the DREAM act. I didn't vote for it last time."

The difference with the new version is that it's tightly tailored to address 
only a limited number cases of illegal-immigrant teens who have been longtime 
U.S. residents and could be productive adult citizens, McCaskill said. 

* * * * *

McCaskill's announcement won applause from some, and groans from others. 


Read the DREAM blog by Rosemary Jenks (NumbersUSA's Director of Government 
Relations). She has analyzed every line of the DREAM Act and tells you in the 
blog how:

the DREAM Act offers immediate provisional amnesty to virtually every illegal 
alien up to the age of 35. 

All a person has to do is file an application that CLAIMS to meet the criteria. 
That gives the illegal aliens an immediate provisional amnesty.

Although the feds may eventually require some paper to show a degree from 
somewhere, you can be sure that the fraudulant document industry is already 
preparing the plates to turn out these false diplomas at a good profit.

The likelihood of any illegal alien losing the amnesty because of fraud is 
unlikely because DREAM is written so that nobody can lose the amnesty unless 
the feds do the expensive investigation to PROVE that the illegal alien isn't 

Rosemary also shows that the DREAM Act opens the way for a pathway to 
citizenship for most of the illegal aliens who are OVER the age of 35 if they 
are related to illegal aliens under 35. Unless an amnesty eliminates Chain 
Migration categories, it will always open the way for millions upon million 
more relatives, including those who are illegally already in this country.
You see, the tear-jerking description that Sen. McCaskill gave is only a tiny 
part of the DREAM Amnesty.

If Sen. McCaskill wants to help the valedictorian illegal aliens, then she 
should write a bill that narrowly does that -- not support a bill that offers 
the chance of citizenship to MILLIONS of illegal aliens.

Missourians, you have to help pull Sen. McCaskill back from the brink of a 
horrible disaster that would permanently allow U.S. jobs for millions of 
illegal aliens while leaving millions of Americans unemployed.


P.S. All the news is not bad. Bookmark our home page at www.NumbersUSA.com and 
come to it daily for fresh news, blogs and actions about our great national 
immigration battle.

The majority of news items are GOOD NEWS about victories in state legislatures, 
courts, county boards, city halls and even occasionally in Congress. Some of 
these are big victories and many are small, but all show that your citizen 
activism is making a difference.

This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the 
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