Your right anyone that espouses that mindset is a little off their rocker.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 11:09 PM, <> wrote:

>  *I personally don't care if the Government snoops into my email. Fact is.
> I wish they would read my emails. But they don't.*
> *I can tell Roy Blunt or Oboma that they are as dumb as a three old
> African baby in person or by email. Don't matter to me. It would be easier
> to tell them by email because it is hard to find them so Ya can talk to them
> in person.*
> *What makes to difference. They don't understand either way.*
> *Even Greg Burris cant understand plain English. Written or spoken. So
> what is the problem here?*
> *If I thought the FBI or CIA or some ABC boys would get my email to Oboma
> I would write emails like a duck on a June bug.*
> *Take this email. Oboma is a terrorist and Roy Blunt is screwing you by
> using the IRS code to live off of your money.*
> *Want'a bet? This email will fall off the face of the earth and no one
> will give a crap.*
> *Support the Fairtax and remove the IRS.*
> *Larry Melton*
> **
> In a message dated 4/11/2009 3:22:51 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> On Apr 11, 2009, at 3:13 PM, tom wrote:
> > Keep the government from snooping in our e-mail
> > By Examiner Editorial
> > - 4/9/09
> >
> > Civilian libertarians were apoplectic over former President George
> > W. Bush’s “warrantless wiretap” program, which sought to monitor
> > communications from terrorist networks overseas. So why are they not
> > screaming bloody murder now that President Barack Obama appears
> > slated to receive unprecedented power to monitor all Internet
> > traffic without a warrant and to even shut the system down
> > completely on the pretext of national security? The Cybersecurity
> > Act of 2009 - introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee chairman
> > Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and cosponsor Olympia Snowe, R-ME - bypasses
> > all existing privacy laws and allows White House political
> > operatives to tap into any online communication without a warrant,
> > including banking, medical, and business records and personal e-mail
> > conversations. This amounts to warrantl [snipped]
> Yes, we need to oppose this, but we also need to simply make it
> harder. More people need to routinely use personal encryption products
> everywhere they can. This will make it much more labor intensive to
> gather this kind of information and police will actually have to
> perform old-fashioned police work to decide what information it is
> really necessary to pursue. Additionally, using this personal
> encryption helps prevent criminals from piggy-backing on police
> surveillance and data-mining for identity theft and scams: Anything
> the government collects, CRIMINALS WILL HAVE.
> **
> ------------------------------
> *A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
> steps!<>
> *
> >


The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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~Justice John Marshall~

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