Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Maine Bans Photo Enforcement
Maine last week became the fourteenth state to ban the use of red light cameras 
and speed cameras. Governor John Baldacci (D) signed into law a bill introduced 
by Representative Richard Cebra (R-Naples) that prohibits the use of a "traffic 
surveillance camera to prove or enforce a violation" of traffic laws. Cebra's 
measure sailed through the legislative process with almost no opposition at any 
stage of the process.

   "While on the surface these cameras may appear to increase public safety, 
recent studies have shown that they actually increase the occurrences of 
accidents at intersections where the public is aware that there is a camera," 
Cebra said in a statement. "The placement of these cameras is also a civil 
rights issue, creating the issuing of a summons and possible fines and jail 
time to the owner of a vehicle and not necessarily the actual driver of the 
vehicle. In many places around the country, these cameras have become nothing 
more than a money-maker for municipalities."

   The issue of automated enforcement was first raised in March by state 
Representative Donald Pilon (D-Saco) who wanted to give municipalities the 
right to install red light cameras throughout Maine. His idea backfired. When 
Pilon's bill came before the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation, not 
one member voted in favor of the proposal. Cebra followed up with his 
prohibition measure which was greeted with unanimous committee approval in 
April. It cleared the full state Senate under a suspended rules procedure used 
for non-controversial measures, but an amendment was added in the House to 
allow the use of toll road cameras. Thus modified, the legislation cleared both 
chambers on May 21 with overwhelming support.

   The law formally takes effect ninety days after the legislature adjourns, 
which would be September 15 according to the latest schedule. Earlier this 
year, Mississippi and Montana enacted photo enforcement bans. 


"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to 
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic 
purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and 
sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy

"Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the
arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage
of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world
do not have." - Ronald Reagan

"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of 
justice is no virtue." - Barry Goldwater


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