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“Jihad Denial Syndrome” Exposed 

Dear Fred, 

The facts are emerging. The warning signs were there. Story after story is 
breaking new information. Even some in the “establishment media,” such as ABC 
News, have produced news segments revealing the evidence that Nidal Hasan was a 
radical Islamist. 

The FBI had seen warning signs. So had the CIA and the Joint Terrorism Task 
Force. Numerous fellow officers had witnessed Hasan make statements, even 
during presentations he gave, that should have set off alarm bells. 

Some of the latest news to come out is that Hasan had been in communication 
with an al Qaeda imam — and authorities knew it and dismissed Hasan’s contacts 
with the conclusion that he was doing “research” for a thesis! 

The tapestry of jihad being pieced together has prompted Senate Homeland 
Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman to call for hearings to investigate 
who knew what, when, and why action was not taken. 

How is it possible that so many warning signs and red flags were ignored, 
rationalized, or dismissed? 

There are at least two reasons. 

The first is that too many in leadership in our country, whether in government, 
the military, or counterterrorism, do not want to connect the dots between the 
jihadist ideology, so clearly permeating the holy books of Islam, and the act 
of jihad. 

ACT! has been exposing this failure ever since its founding. Dr. Walid Phares, 
during his presentation at the American Congress for Truth webcast conference 
“Radical Islam’s Threat to America” (held this past Saturday), stated 
astonishingly that eight years after 9/11 there is still widespread denial in 
our government about who the enemy is and why the enemy acts as he does. 

This may help explain why, on the day of the Ft. Hood massacre, the FBI 
released a statement declaring “this was not a terrorist act.” How could they 
“rush to judgment” with such a faulty claim so quickly? 

Answer: “Jihad Denial Syndrome.” 

The second reason is linked to the first, which we discussed in our email alert 
yesterday — a culture of political correctness. 

College campuses, Hollywood and television, and much of the “establishment 
media” are principal drivers of this culture of political correctness. In this 
worldview, there is a denial of fact and evidence that literally boggles the 

Our jihadist enemies throughout the world don’t hide the jihadist ideology — 
they celebrate it. It’s there for all the world to see — if it wants to. Too 
many of our leaders don’t want to. 

Another enforcer of this political correctness is organizations like CAIR, the 
Council on American-Islamic Relations. For years CAIR has bullied, browbeat, 
intimidated and smeared anyone who dares to speak the truth about radical 
Islam. (See our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR.) 

Last Thursday night, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad denounced the violence 
— and then emphasized that this had nothing to do with Islam. 

So did other representatives of other Islamist organizations. 

In other words, they didn’t denounce the Islamist, jihadist ideology that led 
to the violence. Indeed, they in effect denied such an ideology existed. Awad 
was crystal clear when he stated, falsely, that no religion or ideology could 
justify such an atrocity. 

And in doing so these Islamist enforcers of political correctness fired a 
warning shot across the bow of the media, the military and the government. They 
were making it clear that politically correct “Jihad Denial Syndrome” must be 
adhered to. 

Eleven days ago ACT! for America launched a national petition calling for a 
government investigation of CAIR, due to the mounting revelations of CAIR 
misdeeds and ties to terrorist organizations. 

This petition is even more important now, in the aftermath of Ft. Hood. Why? 
Because America can no longer afford to be held hostage to a politically 
correct “Jihad Denial Syndrome” by a terrorist-tainted organization like CAIR. 

This is why we continue to urge you, if you haven’t already done so, to sign 
our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR. 

Senator Lieberman is doing the right thing by convening hearings to investigate 
the Ft. Hood terrorist act. 

We can’t change the culture of political correctness overnight, or the “Jihad 
Denial Syndrome” that political correctness has helped spawn. 

But we are not powerless. There are actions we can take. 

Join us today in signing the petition calling for a government investigation of 

One talk show host said this morning that political correctness can be 
annoying, even silly, but at Ft. Hood it was deadly. 

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ACT for America 
P.O. Box 12765 
Pensacola, FL 32591 

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively 
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action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national 
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