It appears Bush was President when the first of these stamps were released.


On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Cameron Eaton <>wrote:

> **
> *USPS  New  44-Cent Stamp!!!**    **Celebrates   Muslim holiday.
> **
> **
> If   there is only ONE thing you forward  today... let  it be  this!
> **
> **REMEMBER   the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!
> REMEMBER  the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade  Center in  1993!
> REMEMBER  the MUSLIM  bombing of the Marine Barracks in  Lebanon !
> REMEMBER  the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in  Saudi Arabia !
> REMEMBER  the  MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in  Africa !
> REMEMBER  the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!
> REMEMBER  the MUSLIM attack on 9/11/2001 !
> REMEMBER  all the AMERICAN lives that were lost  in those  vicious MUSLIM
> attacks!
> **
> **
> **Now President Obama** has directed the United States Postal  Service to
> REMEMBER and  HONOR the EID MUSLIM holiday  season with a new  commemorative
> 44 Cent First Class  Holiday  Postage Stamp...
> **
> REMEMBER   to adamantly & vocally BOYCOTT this  stamp,  when you are
> purchasing your  stamps at the post  office.
> All  you have to say is  **"No  thank  you, I do not want that Muslim
> Stamp on my   letters!"
> **
> **To  use  this stamp would be a slap in the face to all   those AMERICANS
> who died at the hands of those   whom this stamp honors.
> **
> Pass  this  along to every Patriotic  AMERICAN that you  know and let's get
> the word out !!!***
> ------------------------------
> [image: FREE Animations for your email - by IncrediMail! Click 
> Here!]<>

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