I actually like these little quizzes. They point out that all of us fall short, 
but as the man says, let's all grow up a bit. Baby steps we have taken for a 
long time, however we must continue, "or not". If we do not try, we would die 
off on this home, earth. Most people definitely do not want the latter. And 
love is the best tool. Tough love?

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Eric Vought <evou...@gmail.com>
To: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 3:16:45 PM
Subject: Re: Tolerance and Profiling, which should it be?

> The answer is neither.
> The answer is liberty.
> Why is it that it is easier for people to spread hatred then to just  
> teach correct principles?

Agreed. And somehow, we keep putting these slanted 'quizzes' together  
and completely miss the other side:

1. Who preserved European culture, including the best works of Greece  
and Rome when 'we' were too busy killing each other in the Dark Ages  
to teach people to read?

a) The Jews
b) The Pope
c) George Bush
d) Muslim scholars

2. Who sent armies into the 'Holy Land' repeatedly during the Middle  
Ages to conquer it for Christianity?

a) Muslim Extremists
b) Mickey Mouse
c) Christian Male Extremists (mostly between the ages of 17 and 40)
d) Ghengis Khan

3. Who repeatedly broke the Peace of Jerusalem when its Christian King  
made it a holy place for three religions by attacking, raping, and  
murdering Muslim civilians?

a) Muslim Extremists
b) Rosie O'Donnel
c) Barack Obama
d) The Knights Templar (Christian Male Extremists mostly between the  
ages of 17 and 40)

4. Who invaded and occupied Lebanon before we sent our 'peacekeeping  

a) Muslim Extremists
b) The Scarlet Pimpernel
c) The Huguenots
d) Israel

5. Who intervened militarily in Afghanistan leading to the creation of  
the Mujahadin and the rise to power of the Taliban?

a) Iraq
b) Space Aliens
c) Bonnie Prince Charlie
d) The United States

6. Who invaded Iraq (feigning surprise) after Iraq notified the UN and  
US State Department of its dispute with Kuwait and its intent to solve  
it militarily?

a) Iran
b) The Salvation Army
c) Canada
d) The United States

7. Who now has troops in over 90 foreign countries and is currently  
violently occupying at least two?

a) Muslim Extremists
b) The SCA
d) The United States

8. Who presided over the Post WWII repartitioning of the Middle East,  
including the repartitioning of Palestine, leading to the creation of  
Hezbollah and the PLO?

a) Muslim Extremists
b) Great Britain
c) Aflac
d) The United States

Which religious organization tortured and killed thousands of  
Christian 'heretics', Muslims, Jews, and Native Americans in the name  
of Christ?

a) Muslim Extremists
b) Alcoholics Anonymous
c) Lutheran World Relief
d) The Spanish Inquisition

10. Who was responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing?

a) Dr. Doom
b) The Keebler(tm) Elves
c) A Male Christian Extremist between 17 and 40
d) Dr. Nobel

11. Who attacked the USS Liberty?

a) Al Qaeda
b) Captain Nemo
c) Israel
d) The Kraken

12. Who interned hundreds of US families in concentration camps during  
WWII, including the families of American servicemen fighting the Axis  

a) Japan
b) Germany
c) The United States
d) The Daoine Sidhe and the Unseely Court

For those who don't get it, the correct answers are 1:d,2:c,3:d,4:d, 
5:d,6:d,7:d,8:b AND d,9: d,10:c, although d could be argued, 11:c, 12:c.

Of course, you all got #9 wrong (No one expects the Spanish  
Inquisition!) and #8 was a trick question. The point is not that WE  
are to blame, but that evil is spread fairly evenly the world over.  
The only thing that makes us special, if we indeed ARE special, is  
that we TRY to do differently. If we then STOP trying out of  
'righteous anger', we lose any claim to favor at all.

Profiling is the sorting of people by exterior characteristics without  
reference to who they actually are. We call that 'racism', 'bigotry',  
and 'extremism' when anyone else does it. I intend to shoot ANYONE who  
comes to my house with intent to do violence, without reference to  
their religion/culture/ethnicity. But I will stop immediately once the  
threat has been eliminated (or, at least, I hope I would). I will also  
stop at an accident and attempt to help, also without reference to  
their religion/culture/ethnicity. Why is that so hard to understand?

I have been betrayed or cheated plenty of times in my life by people  
who claim to be Christians, quite often by people who claim to be  
Jews, sometimes by people claiming to be atheists, and once-in-a-while  
by people claiming to be Muslim or Pagan. I think the statistics are  
more a product of the number of those people I have known than  
anything else. It's either that or most Christians are lying, back- 
stabbing bastards. Should I profile Christians?

History is a process of judgement. Read your Bible about "judgement"  
and learn the difference between the Greek "krinos" (judgement) and  
"agon" (judgement).

On Dec 10, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Davis Family wrote:

> Apparently many Americans do not realize that they are descendants  
> of Israel.  The Israelite nation themselves, sure there are many  
> that are not, but the tribes intermarried once in Europe and many of  
> us are descendants.  Not justifying death of my ancestors, not at  
> all, however, how do you think they justified their slaughter?  It  
> was with the same type of hatred that we see spewed out like that  
> post below.
> If we do not truly love our neighbors then they are bound to hate  
> us.  And then we make ourselves additional enemies.  And then they  
> spew hate and call for our destruction, round  us up in a general  
> group and give us a label.
> Yes, we need to protect our nation and our sovereignty and our  
> freedom, but there are better ways to do it then preaching hate.  
> How about love?  Love of country, love of family, love of God?
> That is one thing I miss from the group.  We used to talk about the  
> things we love and what is worth fighting for, and many still do,  
> but now the loud voice of hate is showing up here too, hate  
> destroys, it is the devil's tool.
> I do not care if I am the lone voice that says it is enough.  It is  
> enough.  The REAL fight is right here at home in our government.  A  
> nation falls from corruption from within, and then is conquered from  
> without.  If we stop doing those things that made America great,  
> then America will stop being great.  And we have stopped doing a lot  
> of those things.
> I believe in justice, but to say that an entire group deserves to  
> not have their God-given rights because of those who proclaim to be  
> part of them is not right.  Frankly, NO ONE should have to go  
> through a search to travel, No one should have to present their  
> papers to travel if they are citizens, it is one thing for those  
> outside of the nation to have to get permission to enter, but quite  
> another for any of us to have to go through a search.  Too many are  
> willing to dissolve their own liberty at an attempt to limit the  
> potential actions that some scary guy might take.  Whatever the  
> boogieman of the day is, protect liberty, even your enemy's, because  
> you never know when the state determines that the enemy is you.
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 6:32 AM, Fred B. Ellison  
> <fbelli...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 12/9/09, Dan Dunaway wrote:
> Well said...
> Subject: Fwd: Tolerance and Profiling, which should it be?


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and  
make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is  
as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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