On Dec 30, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Linda Herd wrote:

> Ellen B. That sounds so simple people will say impossible. I have  
> felt the same way for many a year. I do think that no one will  
> listen. It can't be done because it is very complicated. Yet what  
> other way. No one else really has an answer that would work.  
> Couldn't hurt . . ... And I love what is from the anonymous. The two  
> of them could work wonders for this nation. Almost all governments  
> end as the old saying (the Lords {Congress} and the surfs {us}. Any  
> government that has to have money pass hands is abominable yet that  
> is what we have. Guess no one will comment because I'm just from the  
> planet  Uranus, dense.

The only way to remove the influence of the lobbyists is to not allow  
the 'lawmakers' to pass anything the lobbyists are interested in. If  
the Congressman cannot vote in $20 million in pork for that lobby then  
the lobbyist won't pay $1 million to make it happen. This is why we  
are supposed to have a 'limited government'. In the end, it does not  
matter what restrictions we put in place on campaign finance or  
lobbying. If the 'representative' is looking at getting millions of  
dollars in kickbacks and the lobby at getting billions of dollars (or  
trillions these days) in pork, then they will flaunt any law, up to  
and including treason and capital punishment (look at the recent  
Washington-Turkish espionage scandal!) to get that kind of payout.

There is no other way beyond strictly policing Constitutional limits  
and using (all of!) the balances of power in our system of government  
to jealously guard our own purview. That and set up the occasional  
honeypot to entice the corrupt, try them for treason, electrocute  
them, and put their heads on pikes outside the Capitol building as a  
pleasant reminder when our 'leaders' start their day... I'm not really  
joking, either: after "Cash For Cloture" my sense of humor is not  
functioning very well.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and  
make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is  
as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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