On Jan 6, 2010, at 2:48 PM, Fred B. Ellison wrote:

Krauthammer Is Right on Terror
Tuesday, 05 Jan 2010 10:05 AM

By: Edward I. Koch

Recently, I read what I believe to be the very best column I've seen criticizing President Obama's attitude and strategy in the war against Islamic terrorism. The column was written by Charles Krauthammer and entitled "War? What War?" I will be making references to his arguments.

In 2004, I supported George W. Bush for a second term as president because I believed that the most important issue facing the United States was the threat posed by Islamic terrorism, a life or death issue. Even though I did not agree with President Bush on a single domestic issue, I nevertheless supported him because I believed the Democratic candidate, John Kerry, took positions that were not adequate for the struggle ahead.


The problem is that Bush's "domestic issues" were all supported by his foreign policy. Bush could not have gutted our system of government on the home front without an unending and un-winnable war overseas. As our founders noted, a foreign enemy is the best weapon against domestic liberty.

The "War On Terror" is a trick designed to get us all to drop our pants and bend over for Uncle Sam--- and that is true even if every single Muslim on the face of this planet wanted to destroy the US.

The travesties of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib (I can never remember the blasted spelling) are more destructive to our way of life than any TEN 9-11-scale attacks--- even if every single one of those tortured ate breakfast with Satan every morning. I would rather wake up in the morning and read that an American city has been nuked then that an American soldier has engaged in torture to "protect me". I would rather risk my life or even those of my family than know that more of our soldiers, deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, are returning home after having dodged enemy bullets just to blow their own brains out here.

Our foreign policy is not merely idiocy, it is morally bankrupt, which would still be the case even if it was managed competently--- which it is not and has not been.

This incident demonstrates clearly that 1) none of the freedoms we have given up in the last decade have provided any safety and 2) that it still comes down to the heroics of civilians on the scene to do what is right. Just as with 9/11, the authorities knew of the threat ahead of time and could not get its collective head out of its posterior long enough to act. They are more concerned about spying on domestic protestors. More power to the authorities, further prolonging our disastrous overseas wars, more fancy, privacy-invading toys for the TSA--- none of that will help and it will certainly hurt.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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