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From: <c...@springfieldmo.gov>
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:54 AM
Subject: City of Springfield News Release - City kicks off student visioning
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

The City of Springfield today kicks off its first-ever “Community Visioning
Challenge” to capture input for the long-range strategic planning process
from  Springfield higher-education and high-school students.

The City is making a special effort to involve younger members of the
community in the long-range planning effort because they represent the
area’s future workforce, voters and community leaders.

The institutions that expressed interest in participating are: Baptist Bible
College, Drury University, Evangel University, Missouri State University,
Ozarks Technical Community College, and Springfield Public Schools.

Each institution was asked to assemble a core team of up to 20 students to
develop and implement a process to engage their student population in
answering the following question:  What city characteristics, features and
amenities would make you want to live in Springfield for the next 20 years?

Their challenge will be to generate a methodology that creatively engages as
many students as possible and collects, assembles, and presents meaningful
findings to City leaders.  Results from the visioning contest will be
provided to the planning groups that will work this spring and summer on the
long-range strategic plan.

Each team will be asked to submit a narrative summary of their results,
along with a description of their methodology. Their reports will be due by
March 31, 2010. Each team that completes the process will then be asked to
make a 10-minute presentation to the City Council at a meeting to be
scheduled in April. The presentations will run on CityView, the City’s
government access channel, and be videostreamed on the CityView Web site.

The City Council will pick one or more winning teams, which will be
recognized at a public ceremony and will receive a token award in
appreciation for their efforts.

The City is in the process of gathering community input in several other
ways. City Manager Greg Burris is continuing to hold Listening Tour meetings
with community groups. An online survey to provide input will be posted
through the end of February at: listen.questionpro.com

In addition, any citizens interested in serving on one of the work groups
for the strategic planning topics are encouraged to submit a volunteer
application by 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 5, 2010. The application is available
online at: www.springfieldmo.gov/planninggroups .

Copies of the application also are available for those without computer or
Internet access by calling 864-1010 or picking up a copy at the Busch
Municipal Building, 840 Boonville Ave., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.

Each of the 11 planning groups and the Strategic Plan Coordinating Committee
will reserve several spots for interested citizens who will join the other
members of the work groups asked to serve because of their professional
experience or expertise on each topic.

For more information on the Visioning Competition, contact:

City of Springfield: Olivia Hough, Senior Planner, 864-1092
Baptist Bible College: Jim Edge, Office of the President, 268-6067
Drury University: Hue-Ping Chin, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary
Studies, 873-7427
Evangel University: Bernie Dana, Associate Professor of Business, 865-2815
ext. 8116
Missouri State University: Earle Doman, Vice President for Student Affairs,
Ozarks Technical Community College: Rob Rector, Vice President, 447-5852
Springfield Public Schools: Justin L. Herrell, Executive Director-High

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