---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Senator Chuck Purgason <i...@keepyourchange2010.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:23 PM
Subject: Press Release 02-02-2010
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

 From Senator Chuck Purgason

For the past several months, I have had the opportunity to travel our great
state and talk to the people who live and work and struggle to provide for
their families. I have found out that the concerns I have with the growth of
our federal government are real and are shared by the citizens of this

Mounting federal debt and the growth of government in general are major
concerns as more and more of the debt is passed on to our children and
grandchildren. Currently, our debt is reaching unsustainable levels that put
our nation’s financial future at risk. This year alone our debt ceiling been
raised to $14,000,000,000,000.00. At the current rate of growth, by the year
2020 this debt will be almost doubled unless we begin electing people who
will deal with these problems instead of passing them on to our children and
grandchildren and other future generations to pay for.

As we will elect a new Senator from this state in November, I think it is
very important that we elect someone who will deal with these issues and not
become part of the problem as so many of our elected leaders have become.

In my race to be your United States Senator, I have published a Contract
with Missouri. This contract can be seen at

Our country is at the crossroads, do we continue down the road to bigger and
bigger deficits with the same leadership that got us into this downward
spiral or do we elect a new generation of leaders that will make the hard
choices and work to renew our nations promise for future generations?

The terms of the Contract with Missouri include voting only for a balanced
budget. Voting for a budget, wishing it was balanced, and putting off tough
decisions cannot continue. We must have leaders willing to stand up and work
until the budget is balanced and committed to voting for a budget only if it
is balanced.

With the federal government borrowing $20,000,000,000.00 a week just to pay
the bills, we must swear off the passing of earmarks. We cannot allow
members of Congress to continue with the credit cards running up debt on
this country.

The failure of Congress to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac contributed
to the fall of the housing market. We must have leaders willing to stand up
and fight against the special interests that want to continue business as
usual in our nation’s Capitol.

Congressman Blunt has taken more PAC money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
than any member of Congress.* We must have leaders that swear off the taking
of campaign funds from companies that have been bailed out or operate on
taxpayer funds.

Other campaign contract issues include pledging to serve only two terms, no
campaign fundraisers outside the state of Missouri, and no members of my
family will be employed as lobbyists.

I truly believe that we must have leaders willing to stand up to the special
interests in Washington and begin working for the long term viability of our
nation. They must show leadership and tell the truth about the problems we
are facing as a nation. This is my commitment to the people of the State of

* *Update: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in

    This message was sent from Senator Chuck Purgason to t.ma...@gmail.com.
It was sent from: Purgason for U.S. Senate, 2680 County Road 7360,
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