What many people do not understand is that each State can mandate what is
covered and what is not in the plans sold in that State.  If you want a C
cup replacement, everyone in the State has to pay for it.  We need to go to
the drawing board in all States and be reasonable about what is covered and
what is not.




From: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
[mailto:missourilibertycoalit...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Tom Martz
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:33 PM
To: missourilibertycoalition@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Physician: Two-thirds of ObamaCare passed in stimulus


I'm not a Beck worshipper either as I believe I should only worship one GOD
as I was directed to do by GOD, that being said if our senators and our
states don't have the backbone to stand up to this CRAP then they ALL need
to be replaced ASAP.  There is NO reason for universal healthcare since the
government is so deep into the pocket and regulations of what services and
policies can be offered in the insurance industry, we need for some one to
make an intelligent argument with deregulation of the insurance industry on
the federal and state levels and then the people can dictate policies.  I
can purchase my auto insurnace from any company (almost) and yet the state
of MO dictates that I only can choose 6 companies for my health insurance.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Davis Family <darlingdavisfam...@gmail.com>

Too bad I cannot comment on this since Jared Law Suspended me because I said
that Glenn Beck is not 100% perfect.  (regarding what he did in his last
interview with Medina)  I agree that this is BAD if it is indeed the case,
and I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

The real battle is at the state level and using the tenth amendment to put
everything back in check if possible.  If we could get that in place and
then repeal the 17th and restore that power to the states as well, then we
could turn it arround.

Anyone else have any other ideas?

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Glenn Gohr <archives_...@hotmail.com>

This was posted on the 912 list today...



BREAKING NEWS: 2/3 of ObamaCare passed in Stimulus Package!!!

*       Posted by  <http://www.the912project.us/profile/JaredLaw> Jared Law
on February 23, 2010 at 1:57pm in
ry> Activism/Events 
*       Send Message
View Discussions

This is very disturbing, it's precisely the sort of thing that Glenn Beck
has been warning about for a long time, and IMHO, WE MUST STOP ALL
LEGISLATION FROM PASSING until we have a chance to take out the garbage in

Here's the story:


Twothirds-of-ObamaCare-passed-in-stimulus-package> Physician: Two-thirds of
ObamaCare passed in stimulus package

February 23, 2:40 PMError! Filename not specified.Conservative
ExaminerError! Filename not specified.Anthony G. Martin





A nationally-recognized physician has written a stunning article in which
she says that two-thirds of the government takeover of healthcare is already
law under the provisions of the stimulus package approved by Congress last

She further asserts that the bill that is now being debated, which Obama
unleashed yesterday morning, is the dreaded 'third rail' that will
effectively seize the remaining third of the industry that is not under
government control.

While most citizens, including conservatives such as this writer, were
focused on the avalanche of proposals with which Obama and company bombarded
Congress last year, apparently the fact that hidden within the massive
trillion-dollar stimulus package, which most Congressmen and Senators never
bothered to read, was a key healthcare provision that was overlooked. 

The stimulus bill laid down two-thirds of the government takeover of
healthcare by creating a national database for the health information of all
Americans, thus ditching the time-honored principle of privacy, and by
approving a provision that will mandate healthcare rationing based upon the
ultimate cost and value of treating certain citizens.

SHOCK-TO-COME> Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet lays out in frightening detail what
has already happened and what is to come in the proposed 'third rail' that
Obama proposed yesterday.

That 'third rail' is the takeover and control of the health insurance

Once this third component is approved, which Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid
declared would be done regardless, the destruction of the U.S. Healthcare
System will be complete and the foundation will be laid upon which to build
an entirely new structure, complete with rationing for the elderly and
severely ill and disabled, taxpayer funded abortions, a national database
that contains ALL of your formerly private medical information, not to
mention the key component of the President's plan that all citizens be
required to purchase insurance or else face heavy penalties by the

Why is this called 'the third rail?'  Those who are familiar with the subway
system in large cities know that the commonly accepted adage for subway
passenger safety is 'avoid the third rail.'  That is the rail that carries
the electrical current and is the one that will kill you.

America as a nation is about to step on the third rail.  Two-thirds of the
best healthcare system in all of the world has been destroyed by Obama and
the Democrats with their 'stimulus bill.'  The upcoming third rail is a
killer.  It will change everything from top to bottom.

Given that politicians cannot be depended upon to stop the onslaught of
attacks on individual liberty and free markets, the only ones left to stop
the marching hoof-beats toward Marxist slavery are the individual citizens.

If this report is accurate, we must redouble our efforts to stop the current
hostile takeover of our Health Care System! 

Time to start making some more phone calls, wouldn't you say? Here is their
contact information:

 <http://www.the912project.us/page/111th-congress-united-states> 111TH

 <http://www.the912project.us/page/111th-congress> 111TH CONGRESS (UNITED




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