I as well went down to reguster for precinct 29 an yes it was quite and
painless and I drew my number as well.  I don't plan on spending any where
near 1K on winning this precinct seat so I did not receive that packet of
information. one thing I would suggest is down loading a copy of your
precinct map or see if you can purchase a larger one from the clerks
office.  As a student of history I'll be the RINO in this district as I'm am
not one that is prone to federalism but of FREEDOM. This has not been a
platform of the republican party so I must introduce them to liberty for
all, and subsidies for NONE.

Tom Martz
precinct 29 candidate
139th house district
30th senate seat

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Dan Dunaway <dan.dunawa...@sbcglobal.net>wrote:

>   Today I went to the Historic Greene County Courthouse on Boonville and
> registered for the August 3rd GOP Primary for:
>     *Committeeman, 39th Ward*.
> It was quick, painless, and free. They provided a little can of paper
> numbers which you draw from to get the order on the ballot (in the event of
> multiple registrants for the same precinct on day one). I'll have to wait
> until the registration is over to see how that works out, and where I will
> be on the ballot.
> I also signed for a package of Election ethics rules/regs, etc. in the
> event I decide to do some fundraising to defray campaign expenses.
> Overall, I am optimistic about just getting involved. I hope many people
> will register and give some RINO's a run for their money - and a boost to
> the long-suffering party faithful. Maybe the people are waking up. I hope
> so... If nothing else it sends a message that the current players had better
> take their roles seriously and listen to their base.
> I encourage you all to get involved. If you know anyone in the 39th
> precinct who may be willing to help me get my name out there in advance of
> the Primary by delivering brochures, etc., please feel free to pass this
> message along to them and encourage them to get in touch.
> If you are also registered for the upcoming Primary, please let me know so
> we can compare notes, and delevop more effective strategies.
> Thank you,
> Dan Dunaway (417) 886-1568
> Candidate for GOP Committeeman
> Ward/Precinct 39
> State House District 135
> State Senate District 30

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." ~Goethe



The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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