City of Springfield, MO Wants Input on Backyard Chickens


Thursday, May 06 2010


(Springfield, MO) -- The city of Springfield has set an informational meeting 
to discuss a proposal to allow the keeping of chickens within the city limits 
of Springfield.

It will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, May 10, 2010, at the City Utilities 
Training Center auditorium at 301 E. Central Street.

The city says representatives from the City's Planning Department will discuss 
a possible framework for allowing a limited number of chickens on residential 
properties for personal use.

They'll give background on the process to this point, and discuss research done 
on the benefits and concerns cities with similar ordinances have experienced.

The city says public input will be crucial to the meeting. A short survey will 
be available and city staff will ask for feedback from those in attendance.

The process for the ordinance began with a directive from City Council. It is 
still in the draft phase.

Following staff research and public input, the issue will then go to Council's 
Plans and Policies Committee for further discussion. 

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