
I hope that our country is not trying to take over the world. I am aware of the 
many evil things that have been done by those who want to promote Christianity. 
I hope that I am wrong. I still do not think it is a minority of fringe 
This is a study of all those who may be involved in this. I listened to a 
video in which a man in our higher government that said this has been happening 
for years, since the last world war. I will look for this and some one can 
me how to put it on line, I hope. I'm sure this is easy and it seems that I am 
not intelligent enough to figure out how to do it myself. I will take that. I 
need to learn more.

What I have seen on video is that there is a clear and present danger. This 
danger is getting more dangerous by day. We just need to know what 
there is alive now that we could not handle.


From: Tom Martz <>
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 9:54:03 AM
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Terrorists

When the majority of this religion takes to violence then you will have been 
proven right with your assessment until that time it is still a minority of 
fringe members who are out to conquer the world.  It is possible they see our 
military as trying to do the same thing except in the name of Christianity.


On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Linda Herd <> wrote:

>I know how you feel about my stance by now with the phone call. I would rather 
>discuss this in emails, not to you, but to the group.
>How could an intelligent man not know that each of the 400+ have huge numbers 
>people in their warrior terroristic groups. Why do you think the spread of 
>religion or form of government is now in many countries as in the Middle East, 
>India, China,  Central and South America and more countries including here. I 
>think that this group is aware that Obama is a Muslim who was groomed from his 
>birth in Kenya with the Kenyan president and "The three wise men at his side". 
>His father was Muslim. From there on he has had an unlimited supply of money 
>grooming him for just what he is today. He has never shown from where his 
>contributions came and if they were limited lawfully. The US is the golden 
>they want to conquer and do not do it from a legal standpoint. Their Bible 
>not encourage this or even mention it. You and I both know that many religions 
>of peace or not peace have been twisted by the evil ones into a religion of 
>violence, lies,  with the most charismatic people as leaders,  the violence 
>of killing, destroying, spying of course and subversion. History was my hated 
>class because history is all about this.
>It is not difficult to figure out that he is giving amnesty to the Mexicans so 
>that he will have it easy being re-elected. With the number of aliens here and 
>growing rapidly that would work. The drug cartels are not being dealt with. 
>Hezbollah is in Mexico. I thought there was a war on drugs. It seems there is 
>actually special treatment to illegals to make this a more comfortable place 
>live than even what we have. The judges have been told to dismiss all the 
>concerning them. Even the criminals. This is not our way for our own people. 
>is an example of the tactics used. Our economic are being sabotaged. I have 
>thought for years that open immigration would be used for any body in the 
>world to use while using our programs to get started here. Just how many 
>do you think we can handle or take care of when we cannot take care of our own 
>people? I see a masses of people with standing room only as a vision. In 
>when over population is dealt with by nature. When there are too many for the 
>earth to sustain the people die from some tradegy.
>Obama appoints all the Muslim people he can and two to Homeland Security 
>which is the last straw. I have seen many Videos that are not made up where 
>Mexicans are marching carrying posters threatening the US. Tear down America 
>we want communism. I have seen videos of the Muslims in their countries with 
>masks to hide holding and marching with posters that scare the bee jee bees 
>of a normal human being. If their own words do not mean anything then we are 
>certainly ignorant. I am also surprised that you used this tactic concerning 
>book. Each leader is like Obama in that they have their own group of people to 
>convert in all countries. Obama's has the largest group including all the many 
>other groups. Cordova in Spain would be good to study so that the Cordoba here 
>could be understood. The v in Spanish is pronounce b in English. Vivan los 
>Muslims aqui. Esto es nuestro ultima hogar. This is ultimately our latest 
>this Mosque. Please do not quote one sentence to twist or make null and void 
>what I say here.
From: Tom Martz <>
>Sent: Tue, October 26, 2010 10:40:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Terrorists
>let me understand this a book with 421 pages has a list of 421 terrorist that 
>are withing a religion that has at least a Billion members and yet somehow the 
>limited amount of terrorist is the majority of the religion..?  I'm bad at 
>but not that damn bad.
>On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:26 PM, Linda Herd <> wrote:
>>Jerry Blevins did not write this. I did. I am the one who always reads all 
>>information possible to see both sides. You said that Muslimism is peaceful. 
>>That concerns those who just want to live their lives and not force others 
>>doing anything. These terrorists that have gone into the whole world to 
>>the punishment that Allah discussed in the Koran (concerning the punishment 
>>God) are in such great number and have been at this for a very long time. 
>>is a world wide occupation for them. They are not following Allah. The god 
>>within them is not Allah. They created a god of evil which religious people 
>>all faiths create because they are impatient to see this punishment after 
>>Allah said he would punish and never said I cammand you to punish the 
>>unbelievers. Mohammad spone of Jesus and being good and true. Like wise, 
>>never told us to Crusade killing all unbelievers.
>>I like the phrase in the Bible that says, "you may gain the whole world and 
>>your own soul". I am seeing a pattern here and it isn't good. What the 
>>Muslims believe is not of our concern. It is the terrorists that we need to 
>>them. They hide behind the good that Allah gave them. Do you want these 
>>terrorists who live behind masks using Mosques to be stopped? Are you ready 
>>become a Muslim to please them enough that they save your behind? How do you 
>>feel about this? Taking up for the good ones is not relevant to our 
>>We do not fear peaceful people. Yes, evil ones  are reacting. Their reaction 
>>completed will make a change we can believe in. Yet I would never believe in 
>>terrorism. Neither do the peaceful members of any religion, culture, etc.
>>I can not believe you would go along with the violent terrorist of any 
From: Eric Vought <>
>>Sent: Tue, October 26, 2010 8:50:54 PM
>>Subject: Re: [MoLiCo]
>>On Oct 26, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Jerry Blevins wrote:
>>> I have been reading the Koran and a book called The Columbia World 
>>> Dictionary 
>>>of Islamism. The latter book imparts information about terrorists of the 
>>>type. This book is 421 pages. On each page there is the name of a terrorist 
>>>what he has done where and when. Each one has past history up intil the 
>>>Does that sound like a lot of terrorists to you? Is it enough to harm us? 
>>>higher terrorists are in every country with their mosques.
>>Once again, the answer to these questions have been given. Pape ("Dying To 
>>has done a comprehensive statistical study on who the suicide terrorists are, 
>>where they come from, and their religious background. He has made his data 
>>freely available for anyone to examine or challenge. His data demonstrates 
>>Islam is not the most common source of suicide terrorists (that prize goes to 
>>Hinduism, at least for 1980-1996), that suicide terrorists tend to be middle 
>>class, educated, and are no more likely to come from countries with 
>>sects. The biggest statistical connection they share is that most of them 
>>from countries which have been occupied by foreign troops and especially 
>>troops of a differing religion.
>>That last bit bears emphasizing: the biggest determinant of suicide terror is 
>>occupation by foreign troops with a differing language/religion. In other 
>>what is happening with our, mostly Christian troops, in Muslim countries is 
>>different than what happened when India (Muslim) invaded Sri Lanka (Hindu 
>>Tigers) or for that matter the suicide terror of Viet Cong against American 
>>troops in Vietnam. It is also the same as when the Japanese used suicide 
>>against us in WWII, the Hashishim (conflict between two Muslim sects), or the 
>>Zealot (Israelite) suicide terrorists who resisted the occupation by pagan 
>>prior to 80 AD. Or for that matter what will likely happen if things erupt 
>>between Americans and mostly Hispanic Catholic extremists in our Southwest.
>>When there is that language/religious/cultural barrier, the ability for one 
>>to dehumanize the other is much greater as is the chance that either occupier 
>>occupied will commit atrocities which can then escalate. I think that this 
>>continuing discussion is proof of how easy it is to dehumanize an enemy you 
>>not understand (and refuse to understand). It is necessary to understand an 
>>enemy in order to fight them effectively. As Christians, we are called to 
>>that one step further and actually love our enemies. 
>>Eric Vought
>>"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and make moral 
>>distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is as much 
>>responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."
>>--This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no 
>>for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not 
>>what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you 
>>learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.
>>This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
>>for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members. If you do not like 
>>what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave. If you 
>>learn how to do this for yourself. If you do not, you will be here forever.
>"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
>~Will Turner~
>~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~
>"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are 
>free." ~Goethe
>The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
>~Justice John Marshall~
>Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics 
>take an interest in you! 
>-Pericles (430 B.C.)
>A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
>~Justice John Marshall~
>This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
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>learn how to do this for yourself. If you do not, you will be here forever.

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are 
free." ~Goethe

The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics 
take an interest in you! 

-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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