On Nov 14, 2010, at 8:33 AM, CathyM wrote:

They may say this on their website but can you name me the last time the ACLU had a BIG case that hit the papers defending Christianity? I look at ACLU like I do the HSUS – they both preach on their websites things that I never see them do in public. Most of the crap is there to get people to still contribute and believe they are for what they claim while in secret their agendas/actions prove different.

They have been heavily involved alongside the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) in the lawsuits against the federal government over the NSA illegal wiretaps, and over misuse of National Security Letters. I consider this defense of freedom to benefit everyone, including Christians (as these things have been misused against alleged Christian "militias"). For the most part, when the ACLU is on a side I agree with, generally the EFF is standing with them. Therefore, I tend to be more ready to support the EFF directly rather than the ACLU. But the ACLU does do good things on occasion. I often use their postings to alert me of issues and then go do my own investigation. It would be nice if they got their heads out of their rectums on other issues, but you go with what you can get.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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