Not unusual, I am still a little bit confused. I use a voter registration card 
and my drivers license in order to vote. My license is on record and then you 
have to be on record as a legal voter in your precincts to show that you are in 
your polling district. Just a picture I.D. does not mean as much as a license. 
What other way do we need? This has always been how it is done, are we trying 
give more options? Nothing else is as sure. The State I.D. one gets at the 
license bureau is in lieu of a drivers license. Yet, the I.D. card can be 
faked. I would say that if it is not done this way something could go 
is also what Tom said. If the rules we have work, no one should be able to use 
another method of any kind. And, we cannot know about all that has gone on in 
many precincts. No matter what, there will be those who vote illegally. 

Yet it may be like the dollar bill. One can fake the picture I.D. I would have 
to say. If English is our first public language they should not be able to vote 
if they cannot read and write English. I guess this adds another problem. We 
should have rules protecting our election process. The problem seems to be that 
certain precincts have been said to ignore such a process so that illegals can 
vote. The rules are clear and correct, so nothing else should be accepted.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom Martz <>
Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 1:48:27 PM
Subject: Re: [MoLiCo] Fw: Stop Republican voter suppression in Missouri

Republicans in the state legislature are trying to pass a law requiring that 
voters show a form of ID with a picture on it before someone can vote.  This 
does NOTHING to disenfranchise any legal voter since most of them have either a 
driver license or can be issued a state ID card with a picture.

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Linda Herd <> wrote:

Can you believe this?
>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: "Ali Rozell, CREDO Action" <>
>To: Linda Marie Herd <>
>Sent: Sat, February 12, 2011 12:52:02 PM
>Subject: Stop Republican voter suppression in Missouri
>  Take a stand against suppression of Missouri voters 
>Tell Gov. Nixon to oppose voter suppression in Missouri  
>Clicking here will add your name to this petition: 
>Missouri Republicans have proposed a voter identification bill that would 
>disenfranchise thousands of voters across the state. Missouri's citizens have 
>constitutionally guaranteed right to vote, and no one, including Missouri 
>Republicans, should be able to take that away.
>As Governor, it is important that you come out in opposition to this bill and 
>protect Missourians from Republican attempts at voter suppression. 
>Dear Linda,
>Republicans in the Missouri state legislature are fighting hard to pass a 
>identification bill that would disenfranchise thousands of voters across the 
>state. The bill would require voters to show a valid form of photo 
>identification when they head to the polls, and the information on the ID must 
>match their voter registration information. 
>There hasn't been a single instance of voter impersonation fraud in Missouri — 
>the exact type of fraud that this bill would supposedly combat. 1 
>Why do the Republicans want to pass a bill that doesn't serve any purpose 
>than making it much harder for student voters, seniors, and lower-income 
>citizens to vote? 
>Because Republicans believe that suppressing their votes will give Republican 
>candidates an edge at the polls. 
>Governor Jay Nixon should be trying to help more eligible voters participate 
>the democratic process, not disenfranchising seniors, students and the poor. 
>Ask Governor Nixon to come out strong against the disenfranchising photo ID 
>and tell lawmakers to oppose the measure. Click here to automatically sign the 
>This bill would make it incredibly difficult for more transient members of the 
>Missouri electorate, like students and lower-income voters, to be able to vote 
>without going through costly and time consuming procedures to get new photo 
>identification every time they move. Senior citizen voters would also be 
>affected because they may not be able to drive or might not be physically able 
>to travel to obtain new photo identification. Under the proposed law, they 
>be unable to vote without showing a current photo ID. 
>It's not okay for Missouri Republicans to pick and choose which Missourians 
>able to vote. U.S. citizens have a constitutionally guaranteed right to vote, 
>and no one, including Missouri Republicans, should be able to take that away. 
>Governor Jay Nixon can take a stand against this bill and show its supporters 
>that he won't let them decide who can and can not vote in Missouri. But if the 
>Governor doesn't voice his strong opposition, the bill may slide through the 
>state legislature, and become law in Missouri. 
>Ask Governor Jay Nixon to come out strong against the disenfranchising photo 
>bill and tell lawmakers to oppose the measure. Click here to automatically 
>the petition. 
>I'm a Missouri voter. Please join me in standing up for the voting rights of 
>many Missourians who would be disenfranchised under the proposed bill. 
>Nixon needs to hear from constituents like you and me that he must speak out 
>ensure that all of our state's eligible citizens can vote. 
>Thank you for protecting the rights of Missouri voters, 
>Ali Rozell, Campaign Manager 
>CREDO Action from Working Assets 
> , February 8, 2011     
>© 2011 CREDO. All rights reserved. Questions? Send us an e-mail or write us 
>101 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105. 
>This is a message from CREDO / Working Assets. To change your email address or 
>update your contact info, please visit: 
>To remove yourself (Linda Marie Herd) from this list, please visit our 
>subscription management page at: 
>    -- 
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~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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