
I would bet that all of you know now why the County Assessor raised our 
assessments. Yes, the city personnel will be getting a step raise and a bonus. 
Corruption begins here. If the employees of the city get raises they will 
vote yes on what our city administrator and council decides. Teachers will also 
be for these new assessments because I am sure they will also get a much needed 
raise.We as retired teachers will most likely not get any cost of living raise. 

So, ifyou work for the government you will help the government grow. I had a 
friend who had a city job and said that it was a very good deal with good 
benefits and that he could not vote any other way but yes or at least he could 
never buck the system. The good old boys are great in number I see and this is 
hard to fight or change. "The Impossible Dream". I am assuming we will want to 
continue anyway.

Hope you enjoy this day of true Spring.

Linda Herd

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