I'm betting there is LOTS more to this story then what is being told.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ganden, Reid and Cian via Change.org <m...@change.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Subject: Our dad's last hope
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

       [image: Change.org]    * Tell US drug company Bristol-Myers Squibb
to give our dad access to the only cancer treatment his doctors say could
save his life.
Sign our Petition

tom -

*When mom told us dad had cancer, it felt like the world was ending.* Dad's
doctor says there is an experimental treatment that could save his life,
but Bristol-Myers Squibb, the drug company that makes it, won't give it to

The doctors say this treatment is our family's only hope, and that in a few
weeks, Dad will be too sick for it to work. We're not ready for that. *That's
why we started a petition on Change.org asking Bristol-Myers Squibb to give
our dad access to this treatment. *

*Please click here to sign our

The treatment in question is experimental, but Dad's doctors say it could
save his life. Bristol-Myers Squibb has given other patients access to
potentially life-saving treatments before, *but they're still refusing to
help our dad.*

*We don't have much time left.* We know that if enough people speak out for
our dad, Bristol-Myers Squibb will give him access to the medicine that
could save his life.

*Click here to sign our petition asking drug company Bristol-Myers Squibb
to give our dad access to the cancer treatment his doctors say is his last
chance to 

Thanks for helping us save our dad,

Ganden (13), Reid (11) and Cian (9)

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~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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~Justice John Marshall~

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