I wonder why this isn't done on the second hand smoke issue which is still
using the numbers from the very first flawed study to make there point.

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Date: Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:31 AM
Subject: Jeff Jacoby: Forget the research; our minds are made up / 6-20-2012
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

   <http://www.jeffjacoby.com> Jeff Jacoby <http://www.jeffjacoby.com> [image:
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Forget the research; our minds are made up

* by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe <http://b.globe.com/MfwfCu>
June 20, 2012



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DO KIDS raised by same-sex couples turn out as well as those raised by
parents of the opposite sex? In recent years, the accepted answer among
social scientists has been that there is no difference: Families headed by
a mother and father are no better at child-rearing than those headed by two
mothers or two fathers. "Not a single study," the American Psychological
Association categorically declared in a 2005
"has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any
significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents."

But was that conclusion -- which has been cited many times -- warranted?
Loren Marks, a scholar at Louisiana State University, recently went back
and reviewed the 59
which the APA had relied. None of them, he writes in the July issue of
the academic journal *Social Science Research*, "compares a large, random,
representative sample of lesbian or gay parents and their children with a
large, random, representative sample of married parents and their
children." Most of the studies were built on small samples that were
neither random nor representative. In the absence of high-quality data, the
"strong, generalized assertions … made by the APA brief were not
empirically warranted."

Assuming Marks is right about the weakness of the findings on which the
APA's verdict was based, how many advocates of same-sex marriage or
adoption by gay and lesbian parents will consider changing their view? How
many would back away from their support for gay marriage in the light of *
anything* social science might say? I'd estimate the number at, roughly,
zero. Conversely, suppose Marks's paper had demonstrated that the APA's
declaration was even more firmly supported than previously realized. How
many principled opponents of gay marriage would change their minds? My
estimate would stay at zero.

In the same issue of *Social Science Research*, University of Texas
sociologist Mark Regnerus publishes the results of a large national
based on interviews with a random sample of 15,000 young adults (aged 18 to
39) about their families, upbringing, and life experiences. Regnerus's
bottom line: Children raised by their biological mother and father in
stable families tended to turn out better than those whose parents had been
in same-sex relationships. Even after controlling for age, race, gender, as
well as subjective factors, such as being bullied as a youth, the findings
were stark. Children raised by one or more gay parents, Regnerus wrote in
an essay on 
"were more apt to report being unemployed, less healthy, more depressed."
They were also more likely to have experienced infidelity, trouble with the
law, and sexual victimization.

Regnerus's methodology has been sharply
Even some scholars who oppose same-sex
underscored its weaknesses. Regnerus himself acknowledges that
outcomes might be very different for kids being raised by same-sex parents
today, "in an era that is more accepting and supportive of gay and lesbian
couples." And he stresses that sexual orientation has "nothing to do with
the ability to be a good, effective parent."

But even if his methodology were unassailable, would it change the larger
debate over homosexuality and same-sex marriage? If you believe legalizing
gay marriage is a matter of fundamental fairness, no scholarly study is
likely to turn you around. And if you regard same-sex marriage as
inherently immoral or absurd, a shelf of scientific journals touting its
benefits won't convince you otherwise.

We like to think of ourselves as rational creatures with a healthy respect
for facts and logic and science. And yet when it comes to the most
controversial questions of public policy -- gun ownership, abortion,
church-state separation, waterboarding, illegal immigration, you name it --
does anybody start with the data and only *then* decide where to stand?
Most of us move in the other direction.

Example: In a 2008 debate <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54jr3Ceu894>,
ABC's Charles Gibson asked Barack Obama why he wanted to raise
capital-gains taxes, given that higher rates typically lead to lower
revenue. "Well, Charlie," Obama answered, "what I've said is that I would
look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness." To Obama,
raising tax rates on the wealthy was a moral imperative ("fairness");
revenue statistics were secondary.

Another example: Death-penalty proponents and opponents frequently wrangle
over the deterrent effect of executing murderers. Yet even if the issue of
deterrence could be definitively settled, advocates on both sides agree the
debate over capital punishment would go on, as passionate and polarizing as

Science and research matter, of course. But when minds change on fraught
public controversies, it is generally in response to personal circumstances
or an emotional appeal or societal pressure. Peer-reviewed scholarship, no
matter how impressive, rarely has the power to shift us.

(*Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe. His website is* *
www.JeffJacoby.com* <http://www.jeffjacoby.com/>).

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*Related Topics:*
National Politics
<http://www.jeffjacoby.com/topics/9/national-politics>, Same-sex
marriage <http://www.jeffjacoby.com/topics/133/same-sex-marriage>, Science
and exploration<http://www.jeffjacoby.com/topics/117/science-and-exploration>

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