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From: United for Missouri <c...@unitedformissouri.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:51 AM
Subject: URGENT ACTION REQUIRED - Stop the Unconstitutional and Unwarranted
Tax Increase in House Bill 1329
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

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URGENT ACTION REQUIRED - Stop the Unconstitutional and Unwarranted Tax
Increase in House Bill 1329

 [image: UFMlogo2]
  *Local Governments Pressuring Legislature to Increase Taxes for Them
Without a Vote of the People!*
* *

let your representative know you oppose the veto override of HB1329!

*"No new taxes!"* proclaimed both the Republican legislature and Democrat
Governor. And for the most part they have stuck to that pledge. House Bill
(HB) 1329 violates that pledge and the state constitution.  Read more about
the issue and an alternative to HB1329

Earlier this year, the Missouri Supreme Court
a long-standing sales tax on out-of-state purchases had been collected
illegally.  Although the case involved a boat, motor and trailer
transaction, car dealers and local governments saw a great threat to their
businesses and revenues, respectively, and leaped into action.  HB
hastily passed to address these concerns. 'Problem is, the concerns of both
entities can be addressed without the process established in HB 1329! Read

The Governor 
bill on very sound constitutional and procedural grounds!  Now, local
governments are claiming they need the money...or else!  You have an
opportunity to prevent this tax increase!

*Your immediate attention is required Click

The General Assembly is preparing to gather for the constitutionally
mandated veto session on Wednesday, September 12, 2012.  One of the bills
being discussed as a potential override is HB1329.  There should be no
override of the bill. CLICK HERE to act

Supporters of the override tell people that it's about jobs and it's not a
tax increase.  Whether its car dealers or local governments, the scare
tactic is that jobs will be lost and services, such as police and fire,
will be cut.  The facts don't support either contention. And it is a tax

The bill was ostensibly passed to "level the playing field" for Missouri
car dealers. A worthy goal - but a misguided solution.  CLICK HERE to take

Turns out that of the almost
purchases made since the court decision, only about 14,000 of those were
made from out-of-state sources.  That means that this "new and improved"
sales tax would be levied on citizens that bought cars or trucks from their
neighbors or family.  If HB1329 is overridden, they will receive a tax bill
in the mail.  No matter how you slice it, that is a tax increase!

Local governments claim that the loss of this specific tax will result in
reductions in services, especially police and fire.  Problem with this
tactic is that most local governments' primary source of income is the
property tax. Second would be the general sales tax they collect.  They
would have to prioritize their spending. Imagine that.

But what is really troublesome about the local governments' position is
that they could have solved this in three different elections THIS YEAR!
And it's what the Missouri Constitution requires to happen to institute a
local use tax. Why didn't they?  In some cases, many of these local
governments have tried to pass a local use tax but their voters have
rejected it. It is easier to get the General Assembly to pass a tax for you
than to ask your constituents to pass one, which is what should happen.

Here's how you can make a difference.

Send an email to your legislators and let them know you do not support the
override of HB1329 by CLICKING HERE!
of them are learning of the problems with the bill that they were unaware
of when they first voted on it.  Your input
have a significant impact on them.

Another way to affect this issue is to forward this email to everyone you

Thank you for your activism. Grassroots soldiers have shown they are
effective, having sent *almost 25,000 emails through our action alert
system during the past session*. The result is that the legislature has
responded to most of the requested actions. We must remain engaged to
protect our liberties!


[image: sig]

*Carl Bearden*

*Executive Director*

*United for Missouri*

* *

* *
*Like what United for Missouri's Future and United for Missouri are doing?
Invest in our work b*y *clicking
. **We're supported by our more than 64,000 citizen-activists statewide.
Your contribution in any amount will go a long way toward promoting
free-market policies at all levels of government - local, state and
federal. Thanks!*

      [image: Drop Shadow Image]

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United for Missouri | P.O. Box 11466 | Springfield, Missouri | MO | 65808

"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." ~Goethe



The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

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