

November 4, 2013 

Taboos Against Toke Talk


Not all taboos are alike. Some are backed by the full force of law. Other
taboos are enforced merely by polite opinion and the snubs of the cold

Have you noticed how the latter kind feeds the former?

John Payne, executive director of Missouri's Show Me Cannabis Regulation,
was recently asked on Mike Ferguson's
zzqZSOLZKzAHGWlhpQ==> Missouri Viewpoints why the politics of marijuana has
changed in recent years. His answer is worth contemplating: 

[O]ne thing that's finally changing is that the taboo around talking about
this has finally started to drop away. Pretty much, people have thought that
any discussion of the issue . . . has been labeled almost criminal in and of
itself. Just talking about legalizing it means that not only do you support
the use but you yourself are a user.

He calls the old view a "stereotype," and says that its repulsive - shaming?
- effects seem to be dwindling - the town meetings he has been conducting
around Missouri have certainly been drawing huge crowds. 

Interestingly, later on in the show, the pro-drug war gentleman shot back
exactly in the old-school manner. He demanded to know "why [marijuana
legalizers] don't frankly come out and say 'because we want to get high!'"
He was dismissive of Mr. Payne's reasoning. He'll only accept the
confession: "I want to get high." 

Apparently, individual freedom coupled with personal responsibility -
principle - is not something the drug warrior finds very convincing. Unlike
growing numbers of Americans who now seem, at the very least, more than
willing to engage in what Payne calls a "rational debate." 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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On November 4, 1879, American humorist Will Rogers was born. Aside from his
cowboy act, and his work as an actor in Hollywood, he gained much fame for
being a topical comedian "just reporting what's in the papers." 


  <http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/DavidHume.jpg> It
is . . . a just political maxim, that every man must be supposed a knave:
Though at the same time, it appears somewhat strange, that a maxim should be
true in politics, which is false in fact. But to satisfy us on this head, we
may consider, that men are generally more honest in their private than in
their public capacity, and will go greater lengths to serve a party, than
when their own private interest is alone concerned. Honour is a great check
upon mankind: But where a considerable body of men act together, this check
is, in a great measure, removed; since a man is sure to be approved of by
his own party, for what promotes the common interest; and he soon learns to
despise the clamours of adversaries. 
- David Hume 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
<http://libertyifund.org/>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
nosm2Jpx>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
hkZ-Nxqn7Ufxwu4QJzBB3us01NJJhQ==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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