

November 22, 2013 

Scandal Not Going Away


We're past Day 195
of the IRS scandal. 

I mean the one about how IRS agents processing applications for tax-exempt
status gave an especially hard time to Tea Party and similar groups, asking
endless intrusive questions and delaying legitimate tax-exempt status for
years or never granting it at all. 

The botches and disillusionment occasioned by the Obamacare non-rollout have
pushed other Obama scandals off the front pages. But as Jay Sekulow of the
American Center for Law and Justice argues
rSML518LBDhIieZujg==> , the IRS scandal won't be fading from memory any time

First, details of the agency's wrongdoing, initially said to be confined to
a few renegade overworked Cincinnati agents, are still being revealed and at
higher levels. 

Second, the IRS is still being sued by Sekulow's organization. 

Third, the scandal reminds us of how mean
qGVqF3lP3Ei3LTliEf_MHpgi6qtqCVo0EZxMehSMzCRZfHASDaQmUl9Fjmam8ASN2Zxzp7Q=> ,
incompetent, and corrupt the IRS is in so many ways. 

Fourth, the fish rots from the head
NMr3ZVNrHwiKgwio4tEyYKcjB6By> . Even if President Obama didn't call IRS and
say, "Start targeting Tea Partier types," his many condemnations of such
groups all but explicitly invited the targeting. 

Fifth, Obamacare and the IRS are joined at the hip, with the rogue agency
charged with enforcing Obama-mandates. This is like treating food poisoning
by clubbing the sufferer's kneecaps. If you're the guy getting your knees
smashed, are you going to forget about the role and nature of the
perpetrator any time soon? 

Well, there are millions of people now with bruised kneecaps. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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November 22 marks the death dates of a number of eminent writers, including
that of British-American novelist and essayist Aldous Huxley and
Irish-British novelist, theologian and medieval scholar C.S. Lewis, both of
whom died in 1963, the same day (as it happens) as the assassination of
American President John F. Kennedy. British novelist Anthony Burgess died
exactly 30 years later. 
The date also marks the birth of the great British novelist George Eliot
(Mary Ann Evans), in 1819. 
Recommended reading from these authors include: 
"Silas Marner" (1861), a short and brilliant novel by George Eliot. 
"Earthly Powers" (1980), a massive novel about life in the 20th century, by
the ever-iconoclastic and hard-to-pin-down Anthony Burgess. 
"The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment" (1949) and "Till We Have Faces"
(1956), the former being C.S. Lewis's thoughtful essay on the nature of
modern tyranny, and the latter being what some regard his best novel, a
retelling of the Psyche myth. 
"Brave New World" (1931) and "Brave New World Revisited" (1958), the former
is Aldous Huxley's classic dystopian satire on technological tyranny, and
the latter is the author's survey of the issues raised by - and the degrees
to which reality conforms to - his earlier fictional prophecy. 


The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice. 
- George Eliot 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
<http://libertyifund.org/>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
HiRf13lR>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
DoHgPj_bSzLeT1crlUbHQuZVGz3CmQ==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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