

December 4, 2013 

The Website is Fixed?


At Monday's White House briefing, a reporter challenged
hNoXEU-eMOHp2CpCvkY0QK5ZpsJHamELiUHrMzo=>  Press Secretary Jay Carney, "if
you . . . hit the 'login' button . . . it does take you to that screen where
you're asked to leave an email and come back later. That seems to be coming
up . . . all day long. . . . is that going to be acceptable if that's the
norm for a lot of people for an extended period of time?" 

"What I think is important to note," Carney responded (repeating himself and
blathering a bit) ". . . is that we have a queuing system made for a better
user experience so that individuals could get in that queue, could be
notified when was the best time to return to healthcare.gov
>  and enroll, if they so desired."

Desired? We've been legally required to purchase insurance.
Obamacare-supporting politicians keep talking about all the "demand," but
when folks are forced by law to buy a product, penalized for not, that's
hardly true demand. 

After writing that "the functionality of the site does appear to have
improved considerably," the New Yorker's John Cassidy admits
E0ulSl8VKkP9lFVPta5hVAbwxgGUj0_STaEqydE=> , "However, I didn't get the
opportunity to submit an application, or even to choose a plan. After
filling in forms and fiddling around for about forty minutes, I reached a
screen that said, 'You have started an application for health coverage, but
our verification system is temporarily unavailable.'" 

For those who somehow miraculously navigate the website, the Washington Post
GQD6IkhD-7EHNc0cgdFvllYDqroHxBUohvf4IroYnkrOy2PS> , "errors cumulatively
have affected roughly one-third of the people who have signed up for health
plans since Oct. 1. . . ." 

Also revealed this week: security was not built into the site
9vcDaR3yPxZIqDLuuf06kYXqg3QP> , and retrofitting it in could take years. 

It turns out that Big Government 3.0 is no more advanced than Web 1.0. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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peg> On December 4, 1783, at Fraunces Tavern in New York City, General
George Washington formally bade his officers farewell. 


  <http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ronpaul.png> When
one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads. 
-Ron Paul 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
<http://libertyifund.org/>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
z1ltHSA9>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
IaTicV_3oopTR-u_aXZgKzzDC_JbMQ==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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