---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Calzone <r...@mofirst.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:16 AM
Subject: Witness Forms for Stop Red Light Cameras bill -- HB 1976
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

  [image: Witness Seal]

[image: Enable graphics to view.]

*Stop the use and abuse of Red Light and Speed Cameras in Missouri*

[image: Missouri Flag]

*Important Red Light and Speed Camera Hearing Thursday!*
Fill out Witness Forms Now!

use of Red Light and Speed
cameras on all roads in Missouri
Sponsor: Rep Bryan Spencer

Visist our friends at WrongOnRed <http://www.wrongonred.com/>

March 10, 2014


I try not to send out hearing notices to people unless I have a good reason
to believe they are interested in a particular bill, but in light of the
explosion of 4th Amendment violations and general disintegration of the
rule of law and due process, I'm betting you'll care about this one...

The abuse of Red Light and Speed Cameras by Missouri municipalities is
exploding. They are being used as back door taxes by cash starved
municipalities instead of implementing proven and effective engineering
measures to keep our families safe.

the use of any new ticket cameras on our roads, and requires the
termination of any municipal contract currently in place by 2015.

In other words, it forces the municipalities to abide by the 6 Missouri
Appellate Court Rulings striking the use of ticket cameras down, and
prevents them from continuing to abuse physics and engineering to make
innocent motorists criminals with the goal of separating hardworking
Missourians from their money, so they can keep a cut and send the rest to
the Goldman Sachs and Macquarie owned camera operators in Arizona.

Please fill out an online witness form. If you can make it to the
hearing, *print
yourself a copy and present it yourself. *We will also print and hand
deliver your witness form to the House committee, along with hundreds of
others as a strong showing of support. (We will also present witness forms
for anyone who opposes the measure.)

Witness Form - We will hand deliver your witness form and also make your
testimony available online for the committee to read.

Tom Martz's custom witness form link for HB
(Remove the above link before forwarding this email)

Witness form link for HB 1976

    *Committee:* Downsizing State
     *Chair:* Curtman, Paul-
Chair:* Kelley,
*Date:* Thursday, March 13, 2014      *Time:* *:00 a.m.
*Location:* Hearing
Room 4

Text of House Bill 1976
 Section A. Chapter 304, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new
section, to be known as section 304.288, to read as follows:

304.288. 1. Beginning August 28, 2014, no county, city, town, village,
municipality, state agency, or other political subdivision of this state
may enact, adopt, or enforce any law, ordinance, regulation, order, or
other provision that authorizes the use of an automated traffic enforcement
system or systems to establish evidence that a motor vehicle or its
operator is not in compliance with traffic signals, traffic speeds, or
other traffic laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations on any public street,
road or highway within this state, or to impose or collect any civil or
criminal fine, fee, or penalty for any such noncompliance, except as
permitted under subsection 2 of this section.

2. Any county, city, town, village, municipality, state agency, or other
political subdivision of this state that has an automated traffic
enforcement system installation or maintenance contract with a company or
entity on August 28, 2014 shall arrange to complete or terminate the
contract by September 1, 2015. The provisions of subsection 1 of this
section shall apply to the county, city, town, village, municipality, state
agency, or other political subdivision after the termination or completion
of such installation or maintenance contracts.

3. As used in this section, the term "automated traffic enforcement system"
means a camera or optical device designed to record images that depict the
motor vehicle, the motor vehicle operator, the license plate of the motor
vehicle or other images to establish evidence that the motor vehicle or its
operator is not in compliance with state law, ordinance, order, or other

 What you can do:

   1. Right NOW, either plan to attend the hearing for HB 1976 on March 13,
   or fill out the online witness form..
   2. Pass on this email or another with the *generic* witness form link to
   as many liberty loving people as you can.
   3. Stay tuned and watch for more announcements.

 For Liberty,

- Ron

Meet the Sponsors

*HB 1976*<http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HJR62&year=2014&code=R>
[image: Rep. Bryan Spencer]
Rep. Bryan Spencer

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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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free." ~Goethe



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~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

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