
 Common Sense with Paul Jacob


Forget Frankenstein

 Export Import Folly

Some proposals are so shocking and not common that, no matter how rational or 
sensible, we cannot legitimately call them "common sense." 

Could this be one?

You tell me.

Congress is right now struggling to pass a highway funding bill. Authorized 
funding by the federal government on roads ends with the passing of this month, 
July. So, blogs 
  Scott Shackford at Reason, "the legislature has to pass something. Because 
the legislature has to pass something, people are trying to squeeze everything 
into it."

And our illustrious president wants to revive the recently dead, the 
Export-Import Bank. "When he was a senator, Barack Obama knew the program was 
nothing but corporate welfare," writes Shackford. "But now as president, he has 
flip-flopped and is trying to keep the institution alive."

I don't know if the prez will ultimately succeed, cajoling Congress to revive 
the monster by stuffing it into the roads bill, but at least "Sen. Marco Rubio 
has introduced an amendment to the highway bill that would kill the bank and 
unload its assets to the treasury." 

Go, Rubio! Getting rid of the Ex-Im Bank is just anti-crony common sense.

So what's the "uncommon" sense? This out-of-the-mainstream notion: We don't 
need a federal transportation bill at all. It's not as if states cannot secure 
funding for roads. (They already do.) Devolve the whole Interstate system back 
onto the states!

Radical? Maybe. But the federal government just spends and spends without much 
sense. Distribute the responsibility for roads to the states; let Congress 
figure out how to manage its remaining tasks. 

For a change. 

I think this is . . . Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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  Think Freely media 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge Foundation. The 
opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at Townhall.com 
 , where Paul has written weekend columns since 2003) are his own and do not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of Think Freely Media, Liberty Initiative Fund 
or Citizens in Charge.

 Paul Jacob


 Edmund Burke

Thought of The Day

"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion."


-Edmund Burke


 Nixon Tapes

Today in Freedom

On July 24, 1823, Chile abolished slavery.

On this day in 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court told President Richard Nixon that 
he lacked constitutional authority to withhold the infamous "Nixon Tapes" from 



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