From: Mike Moon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 11:54 PM
To: Mike Moon
Subject: Capitol Report - August 19 2015






Mike Moon

State Representative

157th District

Lawrence County



∙ Appropriations - Agriculture and Natural Resources

∙ Professional Registration and Licensing

∙ Property and Casualty Insurance

∙ Ways and Means – Vice Chair




Quick Links: <> <> <> 

Planned Parenthood Investigation



It's after 9:00 pm. I returned, to my home in Lawrence County just a while ago, 
from a joint committee hearing at the Capitol.  The House Ways and Means 
committee, of which I am a member, along with the House Children and Families 
committee to investigate whether or not the State’s Department of Social 
Services and/or Health and Senior Services had knowledge of the sale of the 
body parts of murdered babies by Planned Parenthood.


The hearing ended with little new information gained.  I hope to have more news 
following the next hearing (perhaps in a couple of weeks).


If Missourians truly believed that the life of an unborn child is worth 
protecting we would not allow the killing of our children and we would not be 
tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood.


The Missouri general assembly should take a hard look at RsMO 1.205 and 
consider removing the section in brackets (section 2):


1.205. 1. The general assembly of this state finds that:


(1) The life of each human being begins at conception;


(2) Unborn children have protectable interests in life, health, and well-being;


(3) The natural parents of unborn children have protectable interests in the 
life, health, and well-being of their unborn child.


2. Effective January 1, 1988, the laws of this state shall be interpreted and 
construed to acknowledge on behalf of the unborn child at every stage of 
development, all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other 
persons, citizens, and residents of this state. [, subject only to the 
Constitution of the United States, and decisional interpretations thereof by 
the United States Supreme Court and specific provisions to the contrary in the 
statutes and constitution of this state.]


I filed a bill (HB 1033) last session that would have accomplished this, but 
there appeared to be no interest from Republicans to move it along.


It’s as if we are saying, as a state, that we are pro-life unless, of course, 
someone says we cannot be (pro-life).  In this case, it’s the federal 


If "we" truly care about the unborn, let's put an end to abortion - PERIOD!




When Roe v. Wade was decided, in the 1970’s, we were told that an abortion was 
a simple medical procedure – the removal of a clump of cells.  Today, with 
advancements in technology, we can see with our own eyes that the “clump of 
cells” are more, much more… a human being…!


Today we are faced with an enormous dilemma – Planned Parenthood has built an 
industry murdering our unborn children and dissecting the bodies in order to 
harvest organs for sale to the highest bidder.  The recently revealed videos 
are being touted by those in support of Planned Parenthood as being deceptive 
and because they were secretly recorded – irrelevant.


So, with this in mind, what do we do now?  Years have passed and literally 
millions of innocent children have been mercilessly killed.  A generation has 
been lost… and for what purpose – convenience?  If we ignore what we now know 
and allow this new information to be swept under the proverbial carpet, are we 
not complicit in these unnecessary deaths? 


I cannot… I will not remain silent.


I was told, again today, by someone in the “fight” for families and life, that 
my effort to sponsor legislation, like the one referenced above will not be 
successful.  As I thought about this comment, I couldn’t help but remember that 
in our country’s history, laws have been enacted, repealed, and changed.  Why 
cannot we raise our collective voices, consistently in strong unison, and 
demand that the laws be changed?  I am not naïve in thinking that we will be 
successful this year or even next, but what if we continue, year after year, 
pressing the issue of protecting the unborn – truly protecting them?


Even if we do not win the battle here on this earth, what will our answer be to 
our Heavenly Father if we don’t try?



Mike Moon

Room 203-B

157 District Representative




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